Fox News: All Black woman look the same

Still hoping for your reparations Ms. merican? Fact is you can forget them. Your beloved DNC has abandoned you. Now they ply the fertile fields of our souf 'mericans all ready and waiting to vote democrat jes as soon as they are all made legal. Or even illegal. Brown is the new black with the dems.

Most of the people making a big deal about this Aretha Franklin SCANDAL don’t give a whit about her, wouldn’t have known what she looks like without the SCANDAL, and are just using her as the latest tool to bash people they disagree with.

Steely Dan recognized that the equivalent of today’s millennials back then didn’t know who she is, and that dynamic is embedded in today’s culture 40 years deeper.

Hey Nineteen That’s 'Retha Franklin
She don’t remember The Queen of Soul
It’s hard times befallen The Soul Survivors
She thinks I’m crazy But I’m just growing old

Fake news…believe me.


The fact they fully apologized for it meant at least they recognized the problem even if their viewers didn’t care.

Wait, so people making noise about this don’t know who she is or don’t care?

Well, that made a lot of sense. :laughing:

Sometimes it’s better not to say anything, Guv.

Many, yes.

Many of them wouldn’t have been able to pick out a picture of her a week ago. But now they’re claiming the authority to denigrate someone posting the wrong pic today.

Maybe you’re one of them. Maybe not.

Today, Aretha Franklin is the latest club with which to beat the opposition. Give it a week. She’ll be forgotten by them when they move on to the next tool du jour.

So you’re complaining because Fox is being called out for a stupid mistake THAT THEY ADMITTED TO and apologized for? And you’re seeing it as being used by liberals to beat down conservatives?

Um, OK. :smile:

Need a crying towel?


Pfft, nobody has a problem with calling their attention to their mistake, what they have a problem with is the supposed motivation some people attributed to it beyond a simple mistake. But you knew that didn’t you?

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I always get these guys mixed up.

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Seeing that Fox does this all the time to call out CNN and MSNBC and seeing people on this forum use those calls outs against them, it’s laughable that anyone is complaining. But then again, you cons live on outrage.

the only people complaining are the fox news haters

anyone pointing out that it is not racial are not complaining. they are just describing reality

(sorry theres that “r” word again)

Surprised at you, tm. That didn’t take much thinking. Keep moving those goalposts.

Mistakes happen:

the op makes this about race. right in the title. perhaps you forgot

You really had to dig to make a point with a four-year-old story.

Yes it was. But your post wasn’t.

no my post wasn’t about “race” it was about those who know it wasn’t. hardly a deviation from the op

such nonsense you post anymore

The CNN mistake was just a typo; there are many examples of much bigger mistakes just since Trump took office. Here is a story about two retractions from June and December 2017: