Saul Alinksy Now a Right Wing Hero

The CEC sold you a bill of goods during the Obama era and you gladly believed it.

Oh and another lib is telling us Trump is like Saul Alinsky. And this is the expert himself.

Radio host Glenn Beck said Tuesday that Donald Trumpacts like the radical community organizer Saul Alinsky.

“He is Saul Alinsky,” Beck insisted of the GOP presidential front-runner on his radio broadcast

Beck’s a liberal!

Dammit Trump is good…he’s exposing them all!

And newsmax. You know the website that is basically an arm of MSNBC.

You would give your left gonad for that to be true :slight_smile: exactly as I said. Naaa… “something is amiss” but your prayer to your lib demon god, Lucifer, is not being answered.

BTW… this is another lib event that they won’t remember in 3 weeks.



Actually it is you guys who would vote for Lucifer and justify it.

Here’s the question: Why shouldn’t evangelicals who voted for Trump against Clinton, and are planning on voting for Moore against Jones, also vote for Lucifer over his opponent?

If the answer is: “they should,” then this should make clear, to the voters and their sympathizers, that something has gone deeply wrong. If one’s political philosophy doesn’t reliably disincline them toward casting a vote for the Prince of Darkness, it’s time to pack it up.

If the answer is: “they shouldn’t,” then they need to explain why they would vote Trump and Moore but not Lucifer. Where do they draw the line? How far are they willing to go to promote the right policies?

Said goodbye to beck a long time ago. He has poor judgement.

Who is “they” in this scenario? American Thinker?

Lucifer, Saul Alinsky’s mentor.

Good article.

Lucifer is a they?

Close enough.
“I am legion”

Different personages.

Close enough.

Apparently this person needs to learn what right, left and all really means.

All of you watch and learn.

8 years of Bill and 4 years of Hillary Clinton made even the most venomous personalities acceptable in American Politics.

Societal decay happens rapidly.

Trump is a cult of personality and I doubt he’s ever read Alinsky much less following Rules for Radicals.

What Trump is doing politically right now is little if any different than how Clinton campaigned as president to keep people motivated throughout both of his terms.

Who knew the Clintons had such power?