Fourteen rallies for Trump next 3 days-will POTUS epic final push be the difference in another comeback win?

Trump is peaking at the right time.

Trump also has Moe.


You can tell these rallies are full of undecided voters and this will be what pushes them over to the Trump camp.

BTW if you’re an undecided voter at this stage then what the ■■■■■ It’s like “we have this chicken piccata and this plate with a some fresh dog poo studded with glass shards” and then you’re like “hmm how is the chicken cooked”.

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Yes, you got me, "most’ being the operative word, is technically correct.

Trump is choosing to focusing on the remaining 70 million more people who
still have yet to vote.

Hence why there are 14 more rallies…

Trump doesn’t have Moe, he is Moe.

And his followers are Larrys and Curley Joes and likely to get slapped down if they don’t toe the Moe line.

That’s why Trump has had to fire all the “best people” he hired. They chose to tell the truth rather than toe the line.


700 deaths? That’s nothing.
And even if it’s not nothing it’s a small price to pay to Make America Great Again.

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Trump doesn’t hold rallies to get votes. He holds rallies to bask in the attention he doesn’t get at home.


At the sametime covid is peaking…very interesting :thinking:

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Can’t wait until Nov 4th ( or 5th, 6th whenever). Should J’Biden win nobody will die from the ‘Rona anymore and the anarchists will riot. When the Prez wins he’ll still be blamed for the ChiCom virus and its aftermath; the anarchists will riot.

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No they don’t, but you ahead and believe that leftist “truth”! :roll_eyes:

We’re sure you do

Your opinion is noted but Trump always ends his rallies with a big get out to vote plead.

If you choose not to tune in than you are much in the dark like Joe often says about us for the upcoming winter.

Actually when Trump is re-elected We the People affirmed that China was to blame for the virus.

I would like to counter that by asking you please don’t stop. Its highly entertaining

He is preaching to people who are voting for him anyway.


Refer back, there are still maybe 70-75 million more people yet to cast their vote.

Rallies thus might still influence some last minute.

Hard to tell and quantify how many of us American citizens are still on the proverbial fence to vote Trump.

Nobody who is undecided attends those rallies. They’re all Trumpsters.

Is this a joke? It’s not only not unprecedented it’s literally an every four years thing. In the last week of the campaign is it is SOP for a candidate to make three to four campaign stops a day.

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No one has ever done a bunch of campaign stops before!


In all fairness, I do occasionally watch parts of them when I’m in the mood for a good chuckle



So you knew Trump always encourages people to vote in rallies all along.