Four women in ‘voter fraud ring’ arrested

Oh. Interesting. Thanks.

That tells me that the candidates directly paid for them. At least that is the implication. I think it’s a cop out not to list them. :neutral_face: B

after the next big voter fraud thing we’re gonna need this…

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LOL - Yep, not surprised at all in the face of no real proof there is a YUGE unaddressed problem out there that you’d come back with something pathetic like this… So SAD.

Thank you for the clarification. :sunglasses:


I have never said that. You are putting words in my mouth and that is what is a lame and pathetic.

It is very telling that dems never want to address any issues that re out there in regards to possible voter fraud or address their candidates when they talk about illegals voting.

lol - Your supreme leader Trump started a big commission to root out all that voter fraud RT, how’d that work out for ya? :rofl:

Your’s and others delusions about voter fraud being a big problem is not my problem, nor does it make it a real issue.

Did you not do the same thing by accusing them of not caring about voter fraud? THat is a personal question.

President Donald Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence, displays his signed Executive Order for the Establishment of a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C.

Trump needs to postpone the election. We can’t trust Democrats not to commit fraud, we should only have an election after this figured out.


It’s already been addressed everywhere. Committing voter fraud is illegal everywhere. Checks and balances are already in place in the process to catch and prevent it. Your local election clerk will be an excellent source, call him or her up and ask how secure they think they’re local process is. How much more do you want to do?

That’s not a bad idea. We should postpone it for as long as it takes to figure out what the hell is going on.


This “voter fraud” crap is just an excuse to make it more difficult for certain segments of the population to vote. Out of the millions and millions of people who vote in mid-term or presidential elections nation-wide, only about .000002% voter fraud can be found. Also, why don’t repubs worry about serious issues like voter suppression, closing polls in low income neighborhoods, kicking people of voter rolls and restricting early voting. THOSE are problems…

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Studies have shown that the integrity of any vote goes up the fewer people are allowed to participate. The idea of a fair election being conducted, when you have tens of millions of voters who don’t even have to show id, or even in many cases they can even vote by mail, it’s pretty crazy.

I think we should find one super smart guy, with a genius brain, and he can choose the results of the election. It would be fair, because we would ask him if he supports trump or not. It’s easy to filter out the dumb libs if you know the right questions to ask.

Those are serious issues.

But the GOP can’t win elections if people vote. They’ve lost in the arena of ideas and are abandoning democracy all together. So the only way for them to keep power is to keep people from voting.

It’s not so much an issue of can’t in some states. In Oregon all ballots are mail-in. There are no polling places. You can still go to the elector’s office to vote in person, but those ballots are mailed as well. Absolutely no potential for fraud there. Hmm…

Mail a ballot out, counts as a vote. Like magic. No wonder they’re also pushing for automatic registration. :roll_eyes:

Speaking of things Democrats are pushing for, allowing felons to vote. Turns out prisons aren’t just “for profit” anymore. Anything to regain power.

Exactly how is such proof supposed to be even possible without some sort of biometric voter ID?

Be specific.

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Bigfoot must exist.

The only way to prove that he doesn’t is to put cameras in every single tree in North America.

Since we can’t do that, he must exist.

Bigfoot can’t vote and can’t disenfranchise legal voters.

We have a duty and obligation to see that our elections are as fair and free of fraud as possible or everyone loses faith in the system.

Drag that dead carp around somewhere else.

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Prove it.