Four women in ‘voter fraud ring’ arrested

We have a duty and obligation to see that Bigfoot doesn’t harass innocent hikers, or everyone will afraid of the forest, and all the National Parks will close.

Do you actually think these pathetically childish arguments are helping your case any?

If you do, you need a new strategy.

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Your analogy is spot on.


Nope, don’t think I do.


We know for a fact voter fraud happens.

There is no scientific evidence to even support the existence of big foot or that they have ever endangered anyone in a national park much less voted in an election.

You’ve both left the planet.

LOL - Yep, not surprised at all in the face of no real proof there is a YUGE unaddressed problem out there that you’d come back with something pathetic like this… So SAD.

They’re just trying to talk to you where you live man.

I’m speaking facts you find uncomfortable as usual.

The fact is that we know it happens, to what extent cannot be known, nor is there or can there be any effective deterrent other than Real ID and bio metric clearance at the polls.

All the tech necessary as well as the databases to ensure that only legal voters are voting already exists we just need to put it to use.

Elections can be won or lost over a single illegal vote, we even had a presidential election settled by less than .0001% of the vote in 2000.

If our gov’t has no other basic responsibility it is in securing the borders and the vote.

Felons already are able to vote in many states. If they’ve served their time, why shouldn’t they be able to vote?

Ironically the same arguments can be made for identifying those eligible to purchase firearms… I suspect you sing a different toon then…

Owning and bearing arms is a specifically protected right under our constitution, with same can be no pre qualifications as prior restraint violates the entire premise of rights.

Voting is and always has been a heavily restricted privilege reserved for only eligible US citizens.

What is protected under our constitution with respect to voting is that all eligible citizens shall be equally protected under our voting laws.

Being an internet lawyer I’d think you were aware of those very basic and simple facts.

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Because once convicted you are always a felon who has shown a massive disregard for the civil society and law.

Unless they’ve actually proven by doing a whole lot more than doing their time that they are reformed they should never have a full restoration of rights.

Oh no… We just need to make sure that minority voters have 38 individual pieces of identification when they vote and then everything will be fine Rose.

No, they only need one just like the rest of us.

Nope. They’re already allowed to vote in most areas. Once they serve their time, they get to vote. Look it up.

No they are not allowed to vote in “most areas” only a few states.

They’ve done nothing to earn a restoration of rights and they remain a convicted felon for life in every state and federally for life unless by some miracle they can get their records expunged.

Even a presidential pardon does not erase the conviction, only the penalty.

Its like you didn’t even read your own link.

Situation normal…


I read it just fine, it’s a whole lot more complicated than you try to make it.

There are fewer than half the states in which felons get their rights restored after serving their sentence and only in 14 of them is it automatic for all felonies.

U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud

Elections: American democracy has a problem — a voting problem. According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It’s a troubling fact that puts our nation’s future in peril.

The data come from Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.

I’ve seen this come up before. Honestly, how hard is it for counties to get their ■■■■ together?