Four Women Accuse NY Attorney General (D) of Physical Abuse

I’d rather lose taking the high ground than win being a thug.

Agree, agree, agree. Unfortunately, we paid big time with that in the last election, but there’s always the future.

As long as the dems support abortion they are in nooooooo danger of moral high ground.

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Forgotten Bill Clinton already?

He’s been out of office for almost 20 years. The current President’s behavior is just as bad, and possibly worse.

We don’t support abortion. Please get a clue.

Do you think a woman choosing to get a legal abortion is the same as a man brutally and repeatedly beating a woman?

Sorry but you can’t thread that needle. You guys are adamantly in favor of legalized abortion and vote accordingly.

Your guys consistently pick pro abortion Supremes which has enabled the court to remain with majority in favor of legalized abortion.

That "it depends on the meaning of the word is"doesn’t fly here.

An innocent life is taken in an abortion.

I know this concept is likely too difficult to you to comprehend, but we believe in a woman’s right to choose - whether that means to carry a pregnancy to term and keep the child or give it up for adoption or to terminate a pregnacy. For there to be choice, it is critical for abortion services to exist. Thus, our support for elected officials who will protect the rights of women to have an abortion if she deems it necessary.

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Only if you don’t know what you’re talking about. But lucky for us you have no say in the matter and never will again. :slight_smile:

What should the penalty for abortion be?

Good riddance.

Well, they are. But they’re an awfully biased legit news organization. Your attempt at delegitimizing them in this thread fell flat on its face.

It really depends on the link. If it were an unbiased story and told the facts correctly, what would there be to question? I post Fox stories from time to time. Just because they’re both INCREDIBLY biased doesn’t mean that every word that comes out of their filthy sewers is incorrect-it means we should take what they say cautiously until we can verify it with other sources.

Alleged…I dont care that he is gone, but this is the line of thought I see on here with trump and others in the gop…alleged so therefore why should he leave?

High ground doesn’t confirm you scotus seats

Unless I misunderstood the news overnight it appears he’s resigned.

No, the woman usually survives. Every abortion results in at least one dead human being.

Clinton was actually guilty of rape. There aren’t even any allegations of rape with respect to Trump.

Clinton used his offices and staff to not only find the women he harassed and assaulted he also used them to threaten and intimidate them into silence, then to discredit and destroy them when they went public.

Finally he even attempted to use claims of executive privilege to stonewall investigations of same.

No, they are not equal and most certainly you cannot factually claim Trump is worse.

Ahhh… so predictable. Everyone who tries to take down Trump brings a world of woe upon their own head.

Remember when Hillary tried to get the electoral college to be faithless to Trump? But who had more electors vote against them? That’s right … HILLARY.

And Hollywood and lib “journalists” ? They hated trump. But … oh yes… #metoo got many of them.

It continues. This man thought he could take down Trump. Whoops… :slight_smile: