Four black teens were fundraising for their high school football team. Afootball team. A woman held them at gunpoint

You were the one complaining about posts on the forum. Remember you want all the posts dealing with racism in one thread. The censoring is coming from inside your house.

You never said why, though. Why do you want racism posts tucked away in one thread?

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You guys are really starting to bore me.

But keep it up…at some point society is going to get tired of you all if they haven’t already.

You mean hide all the threads so you can pretend it it doesn’t exist?

Do what you want. I’ll sit back and wait until the right time and say I told you all so.

We would never be so lucky.

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…every 3-5 days

You should heed your own advice.


Well let me know when I’m the first one that brings it up…OK?

However, there is one more point. If I had been black and the exact same person had called the police and the police had stopped me for the same reason (or non reason) that they did, then you would be likely to accept it if I assumed and claimed that I had been stopped because I was black walking in a predominantly white neighborhood after dark…even though that had nothing to do with it.
Its just that you can’t assume every such event of conflict is over race. Some likely are, some likely aren’t.

Or if you had, I suppose you would call them a liar too.
I don’t give a ■■■■ what you chose to believe to back up your own biases.
How many black people do you know to whom that has happened? Never mind. If you say you have known any, how would I know you were telling the truth?

Think of it as a “sensible” forum rule.

Then debate politics. Stop trying to control it’s outcome.

What you’re witnessing is a culture divide. It’s obvious that some moved so far off the rails that they lost touch with common man…that much is clear with misinterpretation of what we say. I’ve seen it over and over again and I’m not only one.

At “some” point the left needs to find their way back…or don’t. I don’t care.

Some certainly have moved but a common man is a subjective being that has turned into a cudgel for some.

Nope…I like giving you rope…

Common man is the one who can reason beyond what his side tells him to say or think…regardless of which side he stands on. The Common many thinks for himself. He isn’t aligned with one group, ideology or theology. He sees the common truths for what they are. TRUTH. And stands by that. The Common man is endangered.

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But I can only post what I know. I can travel through Appalachians and be invited into their homes with open arms, able to relate to em, understand and even have many shared cultures and values. Same for deep south or Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.

But when I go across 520 bridge I’m in different world. A world that is so far different them my world. But at the same time I know them…because I see them on TV, hear em on radio when I’m listening to music, know them when I watch movies.

Even in a world that is so foriegn to me I know what they’re going to say, act etc. Because what I’ve seen and listen on TV and radio. They reinforce your world views…but they’re clueless on ours.

So the left never learn our world…but we know yours.

I’ve seen you (collective) try to replace the common man with something that doesn’t even closely resemble it. It’s so far removed it’s unrecognizable. It’s my assumption that we (anything to the left of trump) should be forced accept this paradigm shift. That we should accept asking not what we (collective) can do for our country, but what we (collective) can do for ourselves. That we (collective) should sacrifice certain truths about how we affect our climate to make sure we continue to benefit the (some) at the top of the economic ladder. That we (collective) should accept that a statesman does not resemble in any way what a true statesman used to resemble. I’m sorry, but I don’t care how far the fringe has moved. I cannot accept your Graham Greene cellar door approach.


Yep - I’m pretty much the embodiment of what the Trump campaign would describe as the common man. I’m a white, lower middle class, evangelical resident of a rural town in GA just outside the suburbs of Atlanta. Roughly 75% of my friends and all my family are Trump supporters. If a pollster was to look at my demographic profile, they would predict that I would vote for Trump with a 98% probability. Hell - I pretty much voted Republican in every primary, election, and run off from 1992 - 2016. Then Trump came along.

I pretty much blew that demographic model to hell and back after that - lol.


That is your prerogative by not accepting alternative cultures. What you don’t have a right to is imposing this alternative universe that left lives in onto society itself.

Take this forum for example. Even thou it’s just small micro organism of society at large, the left here just can’t stop trying to dictate the terms.

It’s all about control, control of thought, control of another individual…and if that individual doesn’t submit…what happens?

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Always been a culture divide in the country, Trump as president just magnifies it. It’s pretty simple actually.
