Four black teens were fundraising for their high school football team. Afootball team. A woman held them at gunpoint

And for the record, it did happen. You can deny anything you want I guess unless there are pictures. No, if there were pictures they could have been created by computer.
But perhaps it is easiest for some to believe what fits their prejudices and deny the rest.

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Sorry I did not imply nor state that the actual incident did not occur. I was speaking to the suggestion you could claim you were stopped because you were white.

Not always…sometimes they get away with murder.

Oh. Ok. I said I could have assumed it if I had wanted to. And I have no doubt I would have been wrong if I had made that assumption.

You want to hide them? :thinking:

And that is very much the point . There would be very little evidence that a white person was targeted because they were white. However, it is extremely difficult to refute that there is more than an abundance of evidence that “black Americans” are targeted based on their skin tone.

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My kids are white, so no. Never had a problem.

I think it was the scary football jerseys they had on that intimidated her.



Are all races treated in society?

Yeah right.

Yeah absolutely right


Keep it coming…get it all off your chest.

I’m here to help.

I have better idea…why don’t you libs tell us what we can or cannot say. Make it easy for us. OK?

So, some of you would like it all White Washed? got it and NO

Where does the OP say anything about conservatives?

But did you add a smiley face?

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Maybe…just maybe some here should stay away from race conversation all together.

How that’s for concept?

I don’t believe your story is true because I am white and not only has that never happened to me, I don’t know a single white person it ever has happened to.