Former NC Governor laments elected black takeover of Charlotte, NC

I’m sure white supremacists used the same line against black people.

but revenge is too sweet to pass up, I suppose. It assuages white guilt like a shot of fentanyl.

So there is, according to you, a correlation between the skin color of a city’s leadership and it’s well being?

you will have to build a better strawman. That one fell apart. Try some credibility glue and honesty tacks.

should elected government have race quotas?

does one need to favor quotas if they question the absence of diversity?

Do you apply the same standard to the White House cabinet?

what standard?

You’re arguing that an absence of diversity in government is a bad thing. Should the cabinet reflect the population or is it fine that it’s composed disproportionally of white males?

So you think there is lack of diversity in Trump’s cabinet?

18/24 of his cabinet are white males.

Should there be more? Less?

you counted.

The exactly proper proportions of diversity must be important to you.

I googled it.

ok. so are you are in favor of his amount of racial diversity or not?

I think Cabinet member should be picked from Congress, I don’t care about racial diversity when it comes to elected offices which is the topic of this thread.

Diversity among elected officials. That’s a hot one.

Fire and police, yeah I am all for diversity, but you are not.

Elected officials, you are for diversity and I am not.


so cmi asks for diversity from Charlotte citizens when electing a Sheriff but not from the president he supports


Well, I’m really just wondering where all the “strength through diversity” talk from the left went to.

So - given that you want to put words in MY mouth - You don’t believe that diversity has benefits.

Not when it comes to elected officials…no.


Appointed officials…yes

Supreme Court justices, police, fire, cabinets etc.
