Former NC Governor laments elected black takeover of Charlotte, NC

hmmmmm… something tells me that such an opinion from a lib is malleable and situation dependent.

so you are ok with that stat from NPR… 95% OF ELECTED prosecutors are white.

They are elected.
the voters picked them.

yeah. they did.

You are OK with 95% of elected prosecutors being white.

Yes, they are elected unless they are barring non whites for running.

"Black Political Caucus " is a specific organization with specific political positions, not people of color in general.

doesn’t matter. Libs here couldn’t find racists under their beds all week. So their psyche is having the DTs. The guy in the OP is a satisfactory hook for their racist Jungian shadow. Let them have it. If they can’t give life to their own dark racist shadow through some random guy on the internet, God only knows what they might do.

The article clearly states that 88% of lawyers are white.

Limited pool for black prosecutors to be elected.


This is America not South Africa. We get a long better than that.

So that bar exam must be racist.

LOL. Nope. Not enough blacks coming from Law school.

You will never win this. I have the facts.

all you do is have opinions

Allan (facts over opinions)

The ex Guv is a pathetic loser. SAD!

law school entrance exam must be racist

Nope. They are not. There are just not enough qualified blacks taking law school exams.

Easy answer.


qualifications are racist

"Black Political Caucus " is still a specific organization with specific political positions, not people of color in general.

Of course that ruins the narrative, so it must be ignored.

Dishonest or stupid is the only choice for people who want to believe the kind of screed the OP is shoveling.

Here’s a list of all congressional caucuses.

What does that have to do with anything?

Were you going to explain what a list of federal caucuses have to do with local Charlotte, NC governments and their political organizations?