Forcing Socialism upon the American people

Same as with any Trump plan, his supporters will use words as the only metric by which to measure success. If Trump says it was a success, that is all the proof and documentation they need.

He’s already built the foundation by conditioning his followers to not care that he lies every day and also not to believe anyone but him and his favorite propaganda pushers. So naturally, he knows he needs nothing more than a few soundbytes to “prove” he successfully won his own self-created war on trade.

That is why on all of these things I am trying to get an agreed upon metric to measure these things by.

I am even letting them pick the metric.

My prediction is that we will be lucky to get back to where we started… I would be happy to be wrong about that and real success happens.

It is a great point. We want to deal with facts, but that’s not what Trump and his supporters care about.

entrepreneurs nevermore…

government shackles…

breathe in the utopia…

Why is that.

Actually, they are.

It’s time to split the sheets and go our separate ways. We’d all be a lot happier.

Send us a note when you get where you’re going. :wink:


Easier to let Limbaugh tell you what to think than to think for yourself.

Actually understanding what socialism is, requires some initiative. Much easier to cower in the corner at the made-up boogeyman.

Those that receive free college education, free healthcare, free food they should be taxed at 70 to 90 percent…and enforced by IRS.

But under no certain terms should other taxes be used for their programs.

If they don’t collect enough revenue too bad.

Those that paid their own education, their own health insurance, buy their own food gets taxed according. :wink:

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In my family we love and care for our elderly. Not one relative has ever gone to spend their last years in a nursing home. When extra care is needed we pay for someone to come in and help out.
The problem with people today is they are so into me, me, me that they can’t be inconvenienced by taking care of mom or grandma. This is the cost of having a family. And a loving family is the most important thing you will ever have in life.

Maxine Waters. She let slip that she would like the government to take over the oil industry. How many other companies besides the oil industry and the health care industry does she want to take over?

Every vote for a liberal is against peoples best interest but they do it anyway. We’re over 20 trillion dollars in debt and Socialists like Nutzio-Cortez want to enact more socialist programs that will cost over 80 trillion. The moron millennials are voting themselves into economic slavery for the next 50 generations and the current older politicians don’t care because they are getting rich and will be dead before the consequences of what their doing comes to pass…

Do you believe this because you can’t win free and fair elections anymore?

FINE, WE’LL START OUR OWN COUNTRY, with bump stocks, and proper female deference!

Property ownership. Work for what you want. Thats what helped colonists survive. Socialism is counter intuitive

I like that idea. If they want socialism so bad let them. When they fail let them fail. Its the only way they can learn.

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Wow you found one, I had forgotten about her. One offhand comment from a nut isn’t particularly worrisome though is it? Are you scared

The point is that what the colonies were based upon wasn’t Socialism… it wasn’t Collectivism.

It was corporatism.

“Socialism” is no more forced upon anyone than any other social system that is opposed by at least one person. Some examples:

  • The Russians who were opposed to glasnost.
  • Indigenous people opposed to development of the land in which they live.
  • Progressives who fought welfare reform in the 1990s.
  • Workers who rioted in company towns.
  • Catalonian anarcho-syndicalists who resisted the Francoists.

Birds of the same feather.