Forcing Socialism upon the American people

As our earlier settlers found out socialism doesnt work.

Bingo. The CEC has done its job well.

We should eliminate the most “socialist” part of our economy first… Eliminate social security and medicare for seniors… Agree?

For my age group yes. For those who have paid into the system, they deserve to get what they can out of it.

Which age group are you in?

Those that have paid into the system get far more than they have contributed… Should we cap them?

I am 45

I dont see how anyone comes out ahead with social security. Imagine having those contributions in a tax exempt health savings account that produces a modest interest rate.

Some public information about Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders on Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Small business is the driving force of America’s economy. Bernie Sanders has worked hard to push for policies that help small businesses, encourage entrepreneurship, and foster innovation. Among these, he has supported loans for small businesses, pushed for reforming intellectual property regimes, and advocated for giving the entrepreneurs of tomorrow access to good education.

Supporting Small Businesses: The backbone of a healthy economy is made up of small businesses on the “Main Streets” of America, not giant corporations on Wall Street. Bernie wants to make sure that small businesses have access to low-interest loans and other forms of support, so that they can thrive. He has a record of supporting legislation to help small businesses succeed.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation: The United States has long been a world leader in entrepreneurship and innovation, which in turn are the engines that drive our economy. To continue this tradition of leadership and growth, Bernie has supported increasing access to education and training, and opposing intellectual property regimes

Net Neutrality: Bernie views defending the openness and neutrality of the internet as vital to supporting small businesses.

Visa Reform: Bernie supports reforming the way we bring workers into the U.S. in order to ensure that they are not being exploited to meet the needs of businesses who want to attract and retain the most talented foreign workers, while ensuring that visas aren’t being granted to fill jobs that could be filled by American workers.

You may not see it but the data is the data… Average lifetime contributions for Medicare do not come close to covering the average lifetime benefits… In fact, the average medicare recipient receives almost three times their contributions… What kind of interest rate would that require? Keep in mind, the medicare benefits are calculated using the medicare reimbursement rates which would not exist without medicare.

Who is calling for govt. to own business? Please provide evidence.

Facts don’t matter FY. You should know that by now.


And to the streets with those who have not been so blessed?

What do you mean by you’ve been very ‘blessed’, anyway? You haven’t had to work hard for your income? Your parents set you up with a good education and a good inheritance?

Something tells me you still own a projection tv.


That is based on a false premise of the charters of Plymouth and Jamestown.

It wasn’t socialism that caused the economic conditions, but the fact that the colonies were owned in whole by the investors who paid for the settlements.

Under the terms of the contract … for the first seven years no individual settler could own a plot of land. To ensure that each farmer received his fair share of good or bad land, the slices were rotated each year, but this was counterproductive. Nobody had any reason to put in extra hours and effort to improve a plot if next season another family received the benefit.”
The pilgrims’ transition—which, again, happened after the first Thanksgiving—can indeed be used to illustrate the benefits of individualism or the tragedy of the commons. But the Rush Limbaugh crowd should note that the settlers at Plymouth were rebelling against the rules set by a corporation, not against the strictures of some Stalinist collective farm or a hippie commune.

Some Trump supporters here only know and repeat the narrative they’ve been taught.

So true. If he’d done nothing, there would have been no failed tariff plan, fewer bankrupted farmers, and less of your tax dollars sent to families who suffered under trump’s failed plan.


At the end of this trade war, what metric would you like to use to determine success?

We are not big “TV” fans. For movies and such we plunged into a widescreen front projection system. The light control ability is exceptional. The picture is fantastic. The widescreen feature completes the experience. We went with Sony. I highly recommend this type of set up.