Forcing Socialism upon the American people

I personally support the hard course left the democrats are taking. Just when you think there is no way Trump could possibly win in 2020 because of his rhetoric the left always has a way of opening up the door for victory.

100 trillion dollar Green Deal, end of air travel, killing all the cows, running Amazon out of NYC, sometimes you just have to sit back and admire the spectacle.

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I’m there.

Please explain it.

No, I believe it because your love for the collective is antithetical to the freedom from that indivdual rights require.

We have irreconcilable differences and I find your impositions to be abominations.


You want to talk about freedom? You’re lucky you’ve been gifted an unearned electoral and gerrymandering advantage to keep your fringe believes foisted upon me.

I represent what more of America wants, you represent how the right has gamed the system to keep their unpopular ideas forced upon us.

That’s why we’re angry. My vote counts less than yours and you’re lecturing me about freedom? That’s rich.

I rest my case.

So then we have no need for post offices, fire departments, police departments, highway workers, air traffic controllers, TSA agents, National Parks/Monuments, and of course the precious military?

Yes. In the Constitution
Yes. In the Constitution
Private sector
Yes. In the Constitution

I think you are confusing corporatism with socialism.

How so?

You left the country already, That was fast.

I left your nation long ago. I was just visiting any way.

You are an outlier.

Am I? Strange.

The United States already has socialistic programs

Social security, Medicare, Obamacare, Medicaid to name a few.


Military, police, fire

I never disagreed that we’re painfully divided. I’m just teaching you a long overdue lesson that your side of it is not the one that represents America as it was, is, or could be.

My family’s experience is similar. My dad lived with us until he passed away at 96. It wasn’t always easy but it was rewarding in very many ways.

However, not everyone has a family capable of providing such care. Social Security and Medicare can be critically important for some people. I can’t imagine how anyone would wish to do away with either.

I rest my case again.

Life is not fair. It’s like running up an escalator going down. The speed varies. Some times…it’s all you’ve got and you’re going backwards. Many quit. Every once in a great, great while…the escalator reverses and sometimes at a high rate of speed…but…you must be on the escalator.