For us Europeans Russia isnt an enemy

so European don’t know what they are talking about? they should just trust you random person on the internet.

border dispute? you mean an illegal invasion.

If we get any gas from Russia its a very small amount, like less then 3% because about 97% of our oil comes from ourselves (almost 40% of it) as we are one of the worlds largest oil producers and the rest comes from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela and Nigeria and there is only a very small % of “other” sources so the Russians would fall into that category.

As far as being the best solution that would be complete USA energy independence.

OP is talking about Europe not America.

Wrong side of the pond

And there we go…

There’s not enough traffic on this site for the starters.

No, the polls of ‘sickofit’ are useless

Oooops!! …

Europe hates Russia they have since the end of WWII.
You know oppressing and occupying people will do that.

My post was about who has as religion Orthodox Christianity as well. That conflict between Ukraine and Russia doesnt mean that they hate eachother generally.

You know I recall another young chap from Europe who wanted to bring back the glory of his country and unite the fabric of his ethical brother under a single banner what was his name again…

Yes Ukraine doesn’t hate Russia for invading them and murdering their citizen in hopes of oppressing them and taking away their freedom.

Good question


I dont care about your canadian wishful thinking

I don’t care what an idiot from Russia think Europe hates you and your ■■■■■■ government.

“Russia is a threat not only to Lithuania but to the whole region and to all of Europe. We see how Russia is behaving in Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave on our border. There they have deployed nuclear-capable missiles that can reach European capitals. It is not just about the Baltic region anymore.” - Lithuania president Dalia Grybauskaite

That thread expose the US liberlas as warmongers, spreading their propaganda full of lies just to create division in other parts of the world. My point is proven right, that the liberals(=leftists) are the most dangerous enemy we face today

I stand for a united Europe that is free,
You want Europe ruled under the fist of a dictator.

Very funny, comrade. Better make some more posts and really earn those rubles!