For us Europeans Russia isnt an enemy

yes, I said already that the Baltics and the Polish regard that differently, because they fear Russia would invade them any day

oh, now the McCarthyism is coming again …:laughing:

the most important thing is what Europeans stand for, not you
which dictator do you mean?

Of course you wouldn’t. You don’t that like a Canadian destroying your stance, dont like a poster posting statistics refuting your positions, dont like actual Europeans disproving your post…but you do like da russians

Its so funny how pathetic liberals try desprately to disprove the reality of the OP in that thread :laughing:
adjusting everything to your wishful thinking? :roll_eyes:

and Europe will never stand with Russia not under Putin.

Desperately? This thread wouldn’t even qualify as a warm-up against real posters

you are just an European out of some hundreds of millions
his stats are from past years and that could be inaccurate polls, like that one which celebrated Hillary winner of the elections
canadian telling the reality in Europe? really? :laughing:

Which country are the nuclear arsenals of Europe aimed at again?

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Europe will never be under Putin. Go cure your canadian paranoia…

I’m sure that russian approval rating in Europe
Has gone up,up, and away in the past year. Lol what a joke. And don’t think we did not read your now deleted post defending the invasion of Ukraine

yeah, I see how much that thread discomfort your so called “real posters” from DNC troll plant. They have big effort to disprove everything I posted :laughing:

5 sec of Google is not a huge effort…well not to us anyways. Might be harder dealing with Russian handlers on your side

Bet it’s better English than what you would hear at the southern border from illegals.

The defense was a little similar to another young chaps reason for invading Czechoslovakia

Reality is catching up to them election after election and they double down on the issues that beat them. Sweden’s up next in September for kicking the left out of power.


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Didn’t Putin say they were ethnically Russian.

so that makes invading them okay?

I deleted becasue there were to many grammatical mistakes.
here it is again: Russia didnt invade Ukraine! Crimea is and was Russian and had been annexed to Ukraine during Soviet Union times. There was a referendum and the majority of Ukraineans decided to join Russia. The Eastern parts of Ukraine have meanwhile a majority of Russians among their population. There are other parts in the west which belong historically to Poland, Hungary and Romania. Ukraine is just going the same process like Yogoslavia in teh 90s. The good news for them is that more than 90% of the territory will remain Ukrainean.

But…who the hell are you and your US leftist fellows to play judge and decide about foreign people n other parts of the world? You are the real warmongers and criminals, thats the truth