Finally! A Law That Makes Sense!


Full automatic? Banned.


Can’t think of anything that doesn’t come from under a bridge?

Kind of like liberals and their never ending pursuit of banning guns. More laws the better!



America’s children should feel safe from social media criticism in our schools. Put cell phone detectors in front of every entrance. They’re schools, not prisons! See through backpacks!

Stop helping them.

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At once? Is a text message a weapon? :joy:

Think of the children! If this law saves the life of one child…

Yes, a text message is a weapon.

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This Sarcasm thing is a bit over your head…

It’s not sarcasm.

Nothing you do, say, post, write or think is over my head. You are not smarter than I am. You are not better. You are not more clever.


The only thing that stops a bad teen with a mobile is a good teen with a mobile.

There is no such thing as a good teen with a cell phone. Only police and military are trained to use them.

If a text needs to be sent, find a policeman.


No need to worry, everyone. President Bloomberg will get the necessary laws passed to save us from guns, cell phones, and extra-large soda pops.


No right is unlimited! This ■■■■ is going to happen! The US leads the civilized industrial world in teen deaths by texting! Nobody else is even close! We spend more GDP per capita, including the .9 multiplier!

In another generation, our children will be born unable to get their chins off their chests!

We need to tax the ■■■■ out of data plans if we can’t get the phones!

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As a free child back in the early 80s out and about, I can say that would have been a nightmare for me.

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Are you suggesting we have normal kids again? Stop.

If cell phones are outlawed only outlaws will have cell phones.


and the impeached president Trump who may well be a subset of same.

You can have my Thirstbuster when you pry it from my cold, dead, diabetic hands.