Female athlete complains about competing against transgender males

Here is an editorial on the subject from the University of Alabama.

In social settings, particularly if you are unsure of someone’s gender identity, it is completely appropriate to ask for their pronouns. You ask, they tell you, you use them. No harm, no foul.

Translation - “I didn’t like your answer.”

Same answer that I gave to you.

San Francisco is freaksville USA. I’m talking about in the real world.

Never in my life has anyone upon first meeting me asked “What pronouns do you prefer?”

And I bet that neither have you.

Trans people exist in the real world.

Yes they do. At least they think they are trans.

Well, you are wrong.

The point is that trans people exist as well as people who’s gender can’t be immediately determined and my way of dealing with a situation like that is to use gender neutral pronouns until otherwise corrected or it becomes obvious via context.

No, you didn’t give an answer. You told us that our answers weren’t true or correct.

I completely believe that you wouldn’t know how to handle your hypothetical.

That’s a rude thing to say.

I don’t think you would post like this if you knew a, or had a family member who was trans or non binary.

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I just knew there had to be a genetic factor in all of this.

I’m not sure what you mean.

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My ex tried to talk me into going to get a pedicure with her.

My reply was “I’m a dude. I’m not doing that. I can take care of my own skin and nails.”

“Oh so you don’t want to spend time with me?!” Was the reply.

That started a 30 minute fight that ended with her going to get a pedicure and me sitting on a bench outside chain smoking cigarettes. Then a ride back home with no conversation for the rest of the day.

She eventually apologized. But it was pretty ridiculous that she got mad at me about not wanting to get my nails worked on. Like I’m a man. By default you should assume I don’t want to do that.


My condolences for the passing of your wife & daughter’s mom.

Next time, just try and find a Barber in the area and go there while she is getting her nails done. You’re both still doing something.

This is a much better response than some others on this thread. He is a good man for doing that, I bet it means the world to his daughter that he does what he does.

Thank you!

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Yes, it actually does, Thank you as well.

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It kind of tugged at my heart strings when I read that. Dad takes daughter to get her nails done because Mom is gone, and gets his nails done too. Damn, you are a good man.

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