FDR “racist.” and oh yeah, Reagan “racist” too. Guess Who!

You know that during Obama’s Presidency he was called by a certain segment of liberals the “ deporter in chief”


Right? How could Reagan be racist when he was for open borders?

Wouldn’t know that from liberals on here.

I was told in the last couple of days FDR was a role model if I remember correctly.

You are broadbrushing, and not only that but you didnt address the challenge laid out to you.

Plenty here, including me were critical of the Obama admin not pushing back against the patriot act, in fact renewing it. Did you gloss over that?

That wasn’t racist. It was extreme.

All gun control is racist.

He absolutely was racist. AOC doesn’t know why.

Say what? What does gun control have to do with race? Dont disappoint me here old man.

Lower income minorities disproportionately suffer the results.

Ahh, i get you now, you were being factitious, shame on you! Well played though.

That’s the tag line from every liberal program. Climate change. Voting. Immigration. You name it. That’s the rationale.

I laid one out, did I not? He laid one out, which is easy to do after the fact.

You do realize that nearly and i do emphasize nearly everyone on this board and the former board who one professed to love and support GWB have done the same thing. They were all about him when he served then a couple years later they came back and said No I wasnt i never agreed with him.

Some went the “well he was better than the alternative route” some went with the “at least he didnt do…” route.

Im just telling you everything you accuse Obama supporters of doing now has been done in the past by the other sort, and worse yet has been amplified in magnitudes by trump supporters now because unike the past they dont even hide it, a point they are very proud of and indeed relish as if its a badge of courage.

So the liberals are no different at all. Thanks for admitting that.

Ive made no secret that the paradigm exists on both sides, probably always have, and ive mentioned it many times.

Whatever his personal beliefs were, Reagan certainly engaged in a long pattern of race baiting.

Appealing to segregationists by saying the Voting Rights Act was humiliating to the South.

Kicking off his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, MS and saying he “believed in states rights.

Talking about “strapping young bucks” buying T bone steaks with food stamps.

Telling “Welfare Queen” stories years after proven false.

Siding with Bob Jones University and their ban on interracial dating.

Firing 3 members of the Civil Rights Commission right after that.

Opposed making MLK Jr. day a national holiday.

So yeah Reagan had some issues in that area.

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So you go after me for answering a question he asked, while defending liberals during the Obama era. Cool.

I didnt go after you anymore than i would anyone who expresses a my side never did this connotation. The poster you responded to posted a challenge and lobbed the first volley saying yeah my side did this… and you didnt respond in kind, you just piled on and said yeah you also did this…

That was my point. All you had to do was say… okay so and so whom i typically agree with did such and such which i didnt agree with. You didnt, that wasnt helpful.

Don’t recognize the pole, but the bait smells familiar.

Real fisherman don’t chum!