FBI planting evidence against Trump: Conspiracy theory or modus operandi?

Given the FBI’s record of lies and deceptions, I would not trust anything from them if it involves Trump.

If it involves Trump and Russia, it is almost certainly pure fiction. The credibility is somewhere between tales about Robin Hood and the exploits of the ghost of Kiev.

It could be the real “we go on foot” moment for the right:


For the first year or so after the 2016 election, I actually believed that there might be something to the allegations from anonymous leaks from the FBI/DOJ or other federal officials. Each breathless accusation turned out to be somewhere between a yawn and nothing at all.

At this point, Trump has had so many proctology exams that he is arguably the cleanest politician who has served in Washington.

Of course, Stalinists would say, “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” The main function of the FBI seems to be to instigate and fabricate crimes as a tool of political oppression. Stalin would be proud.

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And here is why the “planted evidence” narrative is so important…

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Wonder how bad the drawing up is

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Not like it hasn’t happened before. Remember the faked “National Guard Memo” that trashed George W. Bush? Liberals ran with that one for months!

Then, we have the infamous “Russian Dossier” that Hillary bought and paid for that put this country through 3 years of Russia…Russia…Russia… Hell over a fabricated lie.

I would say we have ample reason to believe that Democrats are not above planting evidence.

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That’s not true. That memo was exposed almost immediately.

Yes, but Liberals refused to accept it. They even argued that a 2nd. Lieutenant in the National Guard must have purchased a $20,000 typewriter that was capable of proportional spacing.

The point is that Democrats have a sordid history of fabricating lies and planting fake evidence. Now we are just to forget all that and accept this nonsense? Not going to happen. Democrats have earned their reputation of being liars and we won’t let them forget it.


Yeah, this is all retconning.

But you have to rally to your king. I get it

Or maybe they didn’t have to plant anything, because he took home classified documents?

If the FBI had found anything, news of it should have leaked by now. It would not surprise me if Trump has surveillance videos that show FBI agents tampering with evidence, planting bugs, etc.

As the FBI becomes a naked force of political oppression, a politically motivated FBI raid is becoming a badge of honor. It confirms that you have the courage to speak truth to power, similar to being arrested at a civil-rights protest in the 1960s.

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How do we know this isn’t Russian agitprop too?


i agree. they are at least at some levels now just a political tool. but pretty much everything is these days.

Well the FBI does have an impressive record of doing just that.
Merrick Garland is a vindictive snake and Wray ( although a Trumpian appointee), appears to be just another evasive DC swamp creature.

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Seriously? A Trump supporter should never criticize anyone for being vindictive. To a lot of his supporters, it’s his most endearing quality.


Yes, anything that does not agree with party line from the White House is “Russian agitprop”. Calling a recession a recession is “Russian agitprop”. Demanding accountability for government spending is “Russian agitprop”. Removing drag queens from the schools is “Russian agitprop”.

Curiously I never hear anything about “Ukrainian agitprop”.

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Oh, look. Liberals have learned a new vocabulary word and they are all busy using it.




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Just so I got the plot right;

Somebody did somethings in February?

They went there in June, but didn’t look for or take nukclear documents.

Then in August they go back to look for nuklear documents.

Did they not know in June nuklear documents were missing?

It has taken the Brandon Bureaucracy 933 days to figure out they were missing nuklear information?

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Snakes are useful predators who eat rodents. Garland is not.

The snakes of the world are disparaged by the comparison.