FBI planting evidence against Trump: Conspiracy theory or modus operandi?

Revisionist history


So, I have to know, as each revelation has shown that whatever crappy excuse you came up with to oppose this isn’t going to work, do you just discard them entirely or work them into your next conspiracy you don’t really believe in?

Lol remember when you wanted the warrant application released like twelve whole hours ago and now you don’t.


Intelligent enough to change your mind as facts are revealed. Nothing wrong with that. The Socialist media should try it.

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Maybe they’ll plant Lois Lerner’s missing hard drives?

From the “seriousness of the charges” of the October Surprise on to today … it’s not retconning, it’s a well established trend. Just with Trump there had been years of Russiagate being proclaimed from one end of the land to the other.

It was exposed almost immediately AND they continued to run with it.

It can be both.


It was. Dan Rather’s career was destroyed over it.

Michael Smith did spend years trying to defend himself and say all the critiques about the fonts and the proportional superscripting were actually false, and there did exist equipment at the time that could produce those memos. I’ll grant that.

That’s a lot of assumptions.

I love it when the right takes a break from saying the MSM is state-run media and in the tank for the Democrats, to post an article that shows that’s false.

Eric Trump has already claimed this on Twitter, but guess what Trump is not doing?

Releasing the actual surveillance videos that would show this happened.

When Eric was asked by several tweeters if the video would be released, guess what the answer was?



You stop too.


Trust me this is what went down. The Killian mess was over rapidly.

I ended up meeting and befriending Michael Smith after I exchanged barbs with him on Facebook as he continued to try and protest his innocence.

I believe most of my posts were just like yours. “Please stop”.


Why would I trust your revision? You think I was born after that? I watched you© here.

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I wasn’t here (on Hannity) in 2004.

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth commercials were way more effective than the Killian Memos.

Your ilk. Your tribe.


That was a Jerome Corsi operation.

How far has that guy fallen?

In the next episode, the DOJ subpoenas the videos Eric just admitted are there to see who might have accessed the documents in question.

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The FBI has no credibility and is run by dem hacks. I would certainly believe they would plant evidence.
Just like they knew the steel dossier was fake in 2016.

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The stupid conspiracy theory is that Trump had the codes.

I thought they did that already, earlier in the year.