Fauci ignorantly asserts racism contributes to higher corona death rate among blacks

So now there’s 20 million cases.


121,809 / 20,000,000 = 0.61%

All of which can be attributed to genetics and personal choices.

No I’m not “partially correct”. Unless you have sickle cell, malaria doesn’t starve for oxygen.

It increases survivability in those affected such that a higher percentage live long enough to reproduce.

People with either HbAS (heterozygous with

hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S) or HbSS (homozygous with hemoglobin S) are considered to have sickle cell trait and can show symptoms of sickle cell disease. However, when an individual is homozygous recessive for hemoglobin S, severe symptoms start to occur. The most infamous being anemia, which can, in turn, cause shortness of breath, jaundice, and hypertension. This biggest problem is blood clotting in vessels, which could lead to damaged tissues that rely on the clotted vessels. Individuals heterozygous for the trait are not prone to the same severity of symptoms as homozygous recessive individuals.[1]

Despite the disease’s lethal symptoms, it protects the carrier from malaria, which is why sickle cell alleles are most common in people of African descent (about 7% of people of African descent carry an allele), and other areas where malaria is prevalent.[3] Sickle cell trait is hypothesized to have evolved because of the vital protection from malaria it provides.[9] Furthermore, individuals with HbAS tend to survive better than individuals with HbSS as they are not exposed to the same severity of risks yet still receive protection from malaria.[3]



As I previously wrote, when Fauci, majors in anthropology, then, and only then would a thinking person embrace his opinions regarding the cultural, social and characteristics of an identifiable race, within a specific geographical setting.

They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with notoriously evil communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese used to buy votes which keeps the needy and underprivileged enslaved and dependent.

Each of us are responsible for the choices we make as adults…period.

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ummmmm… no.

“already aware” = “already aware”

But Fauci has declared “institutional racism” contributes to the higher corona death rate among Blacks. Is he not the fountain of all knowledge when it comes to anthropological findings?


You can’t trust trained anthropologists either.

Why not?

Because it isn’t a hard science and is rife with opinion and political agenda as a consequence. And I bet you can guess which sides political agenda.

They don’t use the scientific method in their studies?

Good lord can you be any more ill informed about US politics? You are trying to say people Like Pelosi, Schumer, And Biden are Communists. Good lord do actually know what any words you type are? The Dem leadership are true blue capitalist that love wall street. That kinda problem with Dem party Atm they are exactly like the GOP of 4 years ago not the crazy GOP we have now. Hell even far right supposed radical Senator Sanders is still a capitalist in a form. See unlike what you where feed as brainwashed mush by the Right wing media, Capitalism and Socialism are not opposite of each other because a economy can have a mix of both. Problem in US is we given too much Socialism to the Corporations/stock market and not enough to avg people. Idiots get away with it because other idiots think People like Pelosi and Biden are communist.

I know. When I became interested in the “science” many years ago, I soon realized “speculation” played an important part in the “science”, and inductive reasoning seem to prevail over deductive reasoning.


Joe Biden wants elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender their healthcare to the millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders.

Do I need to explain the differences between soft and hard sciences and why opinion and ideology plays a larger role in the soft sciences? Especially ones that are overwhelmingly self selected by one political stripe?



The fact is, the Democrat Party Leadership is in favor of Government sponsored and controlled Capitalism. I wonderful example being Obama’s “green energy” money laundering operation in which the Democrat Party Leadership plundered billions upon billions of dollars from our federal treasury and redistributed this money to their donors. See:: 80% of Obama green jobs money goes to Obama donors.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

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I’m not going to disagree with that…but out here if you follow the mass transportation like buses and rail system you see lot higher cases of CV. And I mean lot higher.

my area is 1 in 1000.

One area is 11.9 per 1000
another 9.1. 8.5. 8.2.

All in mass transit corridor.

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I’m aware of the terms and their meanings… but saying you can’t trust them strikes me as a little extreme as well as convenient when their findings don’t correspond with your © beliefs.

If I convened a panel of 100 conservative cultural anthropologists, assuming that many could be rounded up, how much credence would you give their findings?

Same credence I would give any other political persuasion… I base it on the study.