Fauci ignorantly asserts racism contributes to higher corona death rate among blacks

I know, I just want to see why he thinks that.

deer popcorn

And Iā€™m playing off of your ball, not arguing against your position.

I know that too. :wink:

I was just hoping to nudge an answer.

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While my hypertension is controlled, with medsā€¦i know 7 black employees right now who do not have good medical care to allow for proper care. And their BP is out of control. I have a cardiologist, they have GPs who donā€™t manage their genetic issues like my cardiologist does.

I really donā€™t believe this. Does your employer not offer insurance and are you all barred from getting Obamacare?

GPā€™s are quite able to control hypertension, for those with serious issues they can be referred to cardiologists.

Managing hypertension is not that hard I know Iā€™ve been fighting severe hypertension for two decades.

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Then they have ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  doctors not an issue with access to medical care.

Whites sometimes get ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  doctors too. So do other races.

Are they advocating for themselves? Are they choosing to ignore advice?

GPā€™s re quite capable of taking care of many things. In fact, they take care of most things unless you need a specialist. Do you have a cardiologist because of hypertension or something else, therefore your hypertension treatment gets lumped in with it? Pretty sure thatā€™s the case.

Regular GPs treat hypertension every day. Successfully.

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So itā€™s that personā€™s choice that is causing this, not race.

So weā€™ve gone from 7 to one woman and you admit itā€™s a choice on her part.

Do you see why I found that claim to be incredible?

Iā€™d say thereā€™s a very good chance you are being ā€œmisinformedā€ to say the least.

My GP handled mine just fine for twenty years, finally it got out of control and I went to see a cardiologist who changed my medā€™s and itā€™s been fine since.

I see him twice a year and if thereā€™s any issues Iā€™m free to call in and make an appointment anytime but my GP is doing just fine in monitoring it in between.

Un medicated or improperly medicated my BP easily runs more than twice normal and my resting heart rate can be 3 times normal.

They finally figured out that it was just too many years of operating in an extremely high stress environment and working 90-110hr weeks for 30 years.

Seems to be a global trend well at least in the UK

When Fauci, majors in anthropology, then, and only then would a thinking person embrace his opinions regarding the cultural, social and characteristics of an identifiable race, within a specific geographical setting. Unfortunately, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists are fawning over Fauciā€™s claim regarding ā€œinstitutional racismā€ ____ a subject matter not within his expertise.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

It really would not matterā€¦nothing I have said in three years had ever been deemed credible by you. So here is my answer. Who cares. Posting with you is pointless.

Well that isnā€™t true. I only find things to be lacking credibility when they donā€™t pass the smell test.

Your own example refuted your claim that race was playing any part in this and it is simply a matter of choice on her/their part.

Chicago = Fauci ?

Thanks for your opinion.

Itā€™s not an ā€œoutlandishā€ assertion, given that one of the hot topics of public health is the disparities of health outcomes for minorities versus that of white people.

Dudeā€¦even when I agree with youā€¦you find some way to disagreeā€¦have funā€¦it wonā€™t be at my expense anymore.

Well, you got it partially correct. Sickle cell trait is beneficial in areas where malaria is prevalent. This means that the individual possesses one allele for it, but does not have sickle cell anemia, the disease most commonly associated with the mutation. Those who inherit the allele from both parents are generally ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

I also wouldnā€™t assume access means utilization, nor that health care providers are adept (at least in the recent past) at treating black patients. This is changing of course, but these disparities in Covid-19 are fascinating. I believe the rate for which antibodies were present in black and hispanic communities in NY were around 20-25%; for whites it was just below 10%, indicative of a concentration in certain job sectors and a higher reliance on public transportation, which had to operate to keep essential operation running, even during a pandemic.

Disease can manifest itself differently depending on the ethnic membership of the patient. A lot of medical care has been standardized for European Americans, not others.

As I previously wrote, when Fauci, majors in anthropology, then, and only then would a thinking person embrace his opinions regarding the cultural, social and characteristics of an identifiable race, within a specific geographical setting. Unfortunately, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists are fawning over Fauciā€™s claim regarding ā€œinstitutional racismā€ ____ a subject matter not within his expertise.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Public health incorporates sociological and anthropological research.