Far right wins EU elections and Macron could be history soon

There is a very small, loud faction of extreme progressives that may say things that come close to the “hatred” level.

I am pretty progressive/liberal…and have many friends that are similar to me…we do not hate people that believe, or are part those things on that list. We truly do not…that was my point. We do not agree with or believe some of those things, and I do not see a problem with that. On some things we will never agree…not matter what. but here is the deal…y’all are not going anywhere, and neither are we…so we better figure out how to live together., You know…agree to disagree on some things…and act like adults to compromise on those that do need attention.

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We could have this same conversation in Europe. My God we elect leaders why can’t they get together and figure this stuff out.
What is the cause, what is the solution and don’t tell me to hate anyone.

Being against illegal immigration is NOT hating anyone.


So long as it doesn’t turn into hating immigrants which we all know where that leads.

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Of course you will, bless your heart.

Actually it sort of did.

Right, but liberalism must die for socialism to survive.

How do you feel about home invaders?

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Please say it louder for people in the back with hearing problems!

I like illegals from Mexico.

Not Venezuelans.

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Illegals from Mexico are generally hard workers. They tend to dress very nice too.

People from Venezuela, your mileage may vary.

Wouldn’t that be an argument for immigration reform that included a robust migrant (Mexican) worker element?

Mexicans got good manners, except for the young thugs.

I don’t care for Venezuelans as a group, although there are some exceptions. They are a very entitled lot. Of course they’re not as bad as the islanders or Argentinians.

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Sure. We used to have them come up every year, then they would go home in the winter. But that was when we actually farmed in this country.

The “far right” in europe. :rofl:

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No argument from me on this. I think the majority of the country will one day regret letting corporate farms replace family farms.

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Foreign corporations at that.

Allowing foreign nationals from non friendly countries to own farm lands in the US is about as stupid as one can be.


Because the situations aren’t the same. However, you’re a leftist, so anyone who disagrees must be worse than Hitler.


Argentinians are going to hold that chip on their shoulder about the Falklands until the heat death of the universe.

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