Far right wins EU elections and Macron could be history soon


PARIS, June 9 (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron rolled the dice on his political future on Sunday, calling snap legislative elections for later this month after he was trounced in the European Union vote by Marine Le Pen’s far-right party.
Macron’s shock decision set off a political earthquake in France, offering the far-right a shot at real political power after years on the sidelines and threatening to neuter his presidency three years before it ends.

Maybe someone here understands better than me how French government works - but it looks like Macron could be ousted in a month ?

Just the National Assembly, Macron himself will not be up for election.

But he could end up a lame duck.

Well is anyone surprised the right is ascendant in Europe? Everyone was warned about just inviting Middle East refugees in and how angry it made people. The euro left has no one to blame but themselves for it.


It’s so interesting it’s the youth in Europe who are right wing. That woke ■■■■ didn’t take hold on there maybe there’s hope for the EU aftetall.


…the world is waking from woke. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


■■■■■■■ right-wingers…


Seeing these ghouls flood the streets in European cities for the last eight months sure is helping the right.


You might want to re visit history and get back to me on the rise of the right in Europe.
Guess what, it was based on hatred of immigrants and overt patriotism which incidentally while claiming to be so, turned citizens against each other.
I wish you would place blame where it belongs like Putin causing a refugee crisis.

Hope your right on a positive note its a leftist English disease it doesn’t seem to effect non English countries. This vote was purely brought on by Ausländer Raus.

lol Putin caused the refugee crisis, that man gets around :lying_face:



Oh turns out we did prevail against extreme right wingers before and will do so again, with or without you.

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Thanks. I guess I mistitled the thread then.

Joe…is that you? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Yes there are a lot of Ukrainian refugees as a result of Putins war.

How are they extreme what party are you guys afraid of Meloni’s Italian government has ran like a traditional European center right party what is far right about them. 10 years ago the media would have labeled them center right.

Not on the LGTQ train = far right. Don’t want your country flooded by millions of illegals from alien cultures - far right. Not a fan of abortion = far right. These are all historical center right positions your fighting and imaginary enemy.


Europe has always had a problem with extreme right wing politics.

“Extreme or Far right wing” is a label being cast by a corrupt, weaponized left wing media…attempting to sheoplize Extreme, Far left wingers like yourself and your posts prove…it’s working. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:



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