Far right wins EU elections and Macron could be history soon

Granted your point on Ukrainian refugees has merit the problem is Europe has been getting over run by migrants way before that and way before Markel’s infamous blunder in 2016.

I don’t deny these issues may be a problem we each face as individual countries but the problem is in how we address them.
The right tradionally here has anger and when a political philisophy tells me to hate my fellow citizens, I’m out.

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I think they are the people most likely to feel (rightly or wrongly)
"You robbed us. We don’t have the same chance you did.
When you were coming up you didn’t have to compete with immigrant labor and you didn’t have to pay for a massive welfare state."

That said, I gather that they are not conservative on every issue, nor are they necessarily in love with the free market. They (the Euro youth) are probably also very “populist,” by which I mean they also take a dim, even angry view toward corporations and rich people

I’m ignorant about US history maybe you are about European history.
We had Mussolini, Stalin even before Hitler.
Always been a problem.

and the left is known for being “not angry?”



Well don’t you have the same thing. What’s the solution. If we can agree Putin caused this and not wave away uh woke left we could come up with answers.

Putin caused the Middle East refugee crisis?


No there is a lot of Ukrainian refugees in Europe because of the war but somehow it is the woke left or something.

The US has got problems Europe has got problems but anyone telling me the solution is to blame my fellow citizens is out.
Irish here, been there, done that.
I really once thought you guys were better than us.

The current group of European right wing leaders aren’t those people you listed fascism was stomped out a long time ago. They would have never even gotten into power if Europe would stop flooding the countries with migrants destroying the safety net Europeans have been paying into for years. I have read the platform on the AFD and outside of strict migration standards they sound like any other party in Europe. They would have been considered left wing in America during the Clinton years.

How is this good for Europe? How is this culturally enriching Europe? What was wrong with Sweden before why do they need 20% of the country being foreign born as it is now.

This isn’t some right wing mag this is the Independent. Eventually they will get the guts and kick all these bozos out of power who allowed this to happen.


So you are not opposed to rich citizens, but might be opposed to immigrants? I guess I misunderstood.

Somehow I thought you hated the rich (even citizens) but embraced non-citizen immigrants. Boy was I confused.

It is interesting that anyone who opposes the woke fascists who run NATO countries is “far right”. On the other hand, applauding the military service of a literal veteran of the SS is what “mainstream” parties do.

The shift was not unique to France. The ruling party in Germany came in third in the elections, behind the “far-right” AfD. The ruling party is attempting to ban the AfD based on anti-Nazi laws from dating from the US occupation.

The wave of immigrants started way before Putin decided to invade Ukraine, might want to go re-read your talking points.

I don’t hate immigrants but clearly it is a problem I just really have no truck with the blame game i really hate that ■■■■
Especially getting citizens to hate each other.
Governments do your jobs.

The words “far right” need not be an epithet.

A governments central task is to control its population.

If making you hate each other makes that job easier then they’re going to sit back and enjoy that.

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Yes but Europeans taking in refugees as a result of war is not the same as being the cause of it.

I don’t blame you there.
I’m just not sure what you’re talking about.

The war in Ukraine is just the latest in a long series of wars instigated by the US and its NATO allies.

Most of the immigration into the EU from the Middle East is a result of war instigated or supported by the US and its European allies. Syria and Afghanistan head the list for asylum seekers into the EU.

Apparently…nice to be educated. :wink: