Far right wins EU elections and Macron could be history soon

The US has an immigration problem instead of fixing it hating each other is the option.
You literally have saved the world why can’t you do this one thing. Get it together. Don’t hate each other its ugly to watch.

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I guess anything to the right of the progressive pieces of ■■■■ is extreme or far right?


The US has had left and right governments since the beginning and you all got along ok.
Now being one or the other is evil.

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No but Putin has been meddling in so many wars apart from Ukraine though you jest.

That was a question.

This thread isn’t about the US. FYI, I can’t stand a progressive.

The world is full of them. They should be run into the sea/ocean.

Hope that helps.


Well no the intolerance might be a problem

I can’t get behind the idea that someone who thinks differently to me should be run into the sea ( nice dramatic description though).

Far right is equated with “Nazi-supporter” in an effort to smear political opponents. The fine-people hoax and Trudeau’s attempt to smear the trucker protest using alleged Swastika sightings are examples in North America.

Of course, Zelensky and his entourage gave a standing ovation to the war service of a literal veteran of the Waffen SS. In the case of Ukraine, failure to give a blank check to literal Nazi-supporters makes you “far right”.

Back in the 1980s German Green party was anti-war and for negotiating arms control. That was “left-wing”.

Now German Greens lead the NATO war effort and work to ban anyone who supports policies similar to their own policies from the 1980s. Now the policies are “far right”.

Yes the emperor has no clothes the US is not about freedom after all.

these folks don’t look Ukrainian to me


Maybe the far right in France is upset about something else.


Doesn’t need to be that is what I am saying.

To wit, it simply indicates where one is aligned on the political spectrum.

We need real world solutions and using social issues to divide the people ain’t going to cut it.

over here there is a lot of hatred against

  • southerners,
  • Texans
  • rural people
  • anyone from the midwest
  • anyone from the west
  • the rich
  • Christians
  • anyone who believes in traditional families
  • anyone who expresses patriotism
  • anyone who believes there are two genders
  • black people who act “too white”
  • black people who “aren’t dark enough”
  • etc…

It’s really divisive and should stop. I’m not sure the government should play a role in stopping it, but the government could definitely make sure it is not employing people or spending money to further that sort of divisiveness.


Right and left are becoming increasingly meaningless.

The basic problem in Europe is that the elites who run things are out of touch with the general public. For example, stricter control on immigration is the mainstream position. The open-borders policy is the extremist position.

Likewise, most Europeans recognize that Ukraine will lose the war and a plurality favor a negotiated settlement. Those are the mainstream positions.

Refusal to negotiate combined with continued escalation and attempts to restore conscription are extreme positions.

Yeah that’s great because then Russia will stop fighting and Europe will have decade after decade of peace.

We’ve known all along as as son as they are done with the 6 or 7 wars they needed to defend themselves that will be the end of it.


Fine. I am ok with whatever term you think is acceptable. We can say anti-immigration, anti-globalist, etc… whatever they are it looks like they are enjoying a good night. In Belgium and Germany as well.

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you were smarter then


“Far right” and “far left” joined to defeat Macron’s immigration bill in the French Parliament in December. It is likely that Marcon’s support in Parliament will be even smaller after the snap election.

Europe has had a problem with totalitarian socialist politics.

WW2 was a battle between National Socialists and International Socialists. The authoritarian elites who run Europe today have adopted features of both.

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It was always going to be a problem when the economy sours. It will be a bigger problem if there is a genuine economic crisis. The left would rack house on elections if they went on a tough migration policy but strong on social safety net.

It’s just not just migration it’s the numbers the flow it’s unsustainable, more and more people are getting that CBS ran a poll showing 62% of Americans support deporting everyone that is in the country illegally think how bad things have got for that number to be that high.