Far right wins EU elections and Macron could be history soon

Why do countries need that? How does this help social cohesion. :man_shrugging:

I think about how bad it is for the number to be that low

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I would note that the centrist coalition actually won. There was a slide rightward with some leftists moving to the center and some centrists moving to the right.

But in the end, the center won. The right gained, the left lost, but the center won.

Hilarious. In this case, “Far right” meaning anybody who opposes unfettered immigration of jihadist culture.


All you need to know is that Le Pen’s National Rally is actually the National Front and the National Front was the party of the Vichy occupation government. The ones who weren’t summarily executed in the last year of the war anyway.

Their stated goal up until a few years ago was to overthrow the Fourth and then Fifth Republic. And still is, they just don’t say it out loud anymore. That’s why Le Pen’s dad is known as the Devil of the Republic.

You might wanna Google the Rassemblant National before you go around saying what great people they are.

Yeah, why would people think the AfD is far right when they use the German imperial tricolor as their symbol

Eh it’s better than the Swastika.

The imperial tricolor is the symbol that neo-Nazis use in Germany because they can’t use the other one.

Which is pretty stupid on their part because Imperial Germany, as complicated as they were, weren’t the ■■■■■■■ Nazis. One can have some pride in Imperial Germany. The Nazis, not so much.

Who doesn’t want to overthrow the Fifth Republic? Overthrowing governments is the proudest French tradition.

You should ask the person attempting to lecture the US about not getting along about the Irish “troubles”. :rofl:

The AfD are not saying they’re imperial German. Like you can just Google this, it’s been going on for decades.

I’m not German so the AfD doesn’t really interest me. But they seem dumb with picking symbols.

Well, the last time these guys got into power, the French got Vichy and the etat Francais dictatorship so I see why you don’t think it’s a big deal at all.

They are indicating they are fascists with the imperial tricolors.

I never said I liked it. But I’m not French so it’s not really my problem. If they want to stupidly invite a bunch of old Vichy glory seekers back into power, that’s a failure on their education system.

My only point was that much of this is the Euro-left’s fault. The Euro-right took advantage of their own stupidity.

To me imperial Germany doesn’t signify fascism. Certain elements of its government were important building blocks on the way to facism (although I would argue losing an entire generation of young people in World War I is what really solidified its entrenchment in German society) but if that’s what they claim to represent, then I would never vote for them if I was German.

Then again just off of a cursory google search it seems like their strongest base of support is in the former East Germany. And the politics in that place were completely ■■■■■■ up after WWII and they generally vote for extremists on either side of the aisle.

They don’t want Le Pen they want to quit turning into a UN refugee camp and out of desperation maybe will turn to Le Pen. If hypothetically Le Pen wins and does nothing about it her party will fade into irrelevancy.


And based on how incompetent the Euro right generally is at running government (one only needs to look at the UK) there’s a high likelihood they will bomb their mandate.