Far right wins EU elections and Macron could be history soon

This is the point. There wouldn’t be a rise in popularity for these parties if the left wasn’t hellbent on global open borders.


That is what you are being told…and you believe it?
Stop listening to extremists on both sides.

So please Guilds…

What in that list does he have wrong?


The election result is a leak in the dike.

It may not amount to much right now, but it could become a flood.

You yourself said you hate progressives not only that but they should be run into the sea (btw I love the odd biblical method of punishment you recommend). So you have a list too.
Noone can ever be good enough.
How often even in our personal lives do we have to agree to disagree.
Left and right has always existed in Europe.
We are not the liberal hellhole you’ve been told.
But do we want to kill each other over it again seems pointless.
We refuse to learn from history and are doomed to repeat it so who knows.

Nah been here before same ■■■■■ different decade.

So long as the left refuses to control immigration, right-leaning parties will continue to gain ground in Europe.


In the United States as well.


Doesn’t explain it happening before in 1930s Germany.

You once thrived on it. Even insisted upon it against peoples own will.

The angry and violent here are the left.

The 2020 riots are a good example.

2016 as well after Trump won the election.


Wonder why slavery was ever a thing if allowing black poor immigrants into the country proved so devastating.

Wrong refugees. Ukrainians are white, like you.

That’s the spirit!

marx useful idiots

Are the refugees your fellow citizens?

Ha we’ll find our Churchill don’t worry. You got it all figured out eh?

And Putin is bombing the ■■■■ out of them so why can’t we talk about the cause at least before the solution if that is even a concern.

Why are you mixing slavery and illegal immigration? One was brought here against their will while the others are forcing their way here.

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Well slaves might have argued it was illegal if that was an option but either way bringing poor black people to your country didn’t devastate it, quite the contrary. But now all of a sudden it is bad.

Might have a little something to do with the population then vs the population now. How many people do you think America is capable of handling?