Extremist Legislation from both sides

If it includes unlimited access to third trimester abortions it’s unconstitutional.


there’s nothing unconstitutional about that, its just evil. the courts have ruled states may regulate abortion after viaibility, not that they must.

Hmmm…says something about what today’s right thinks about human behavior when not regulating something is considered “extreme”.

Here’s a thought experiment. Suppose everything about human nature is precisely the same, except for whatever reason, humans never commit murder. We simply never do it.

Would it be considered “extreme” if we didn’t have a law on the books explicitly stating that murder was illegal?

Why would we ever pass a law regulating a behavior we never commit?

Now- think about that as regards abortion…when abortions take place and, more importantly, when they DON’T take place.

Why are the “independent thinkers” who are for “limited government” of the belief that unless you pass a law prohibiting something, people are suddenly going to start doing it?

If a higher authority isn’t telling you what you can and cannot do, you are simply going to do anything at all?

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So a woman 8 months pregnant can go to any abortion clinic in America and demand an abortion.

Simply not true.

Get you facts straight and then get back to me.


I question the unspoken assumption that there’s a whole bunch of women out there that WANT to do so.

And why someone would believe there was a whole bunch of women who want to do so.

Again like I said…it’s very telling what threads like this reveal about people’s unspoken (and possibly subconscious) assumptions.

get yours straight, it depends on what state she’s in. states may regulate abortion, they don’t have to

So let’s see the law that allows an third trimester abortion by choice.

I will wait.


you don’t even know the laws in your own state


There is no law in any state in America that allows third trimester abortion on demand,

There is NO law. Sorry you stating there is is disinformation.


What a completely stupid post. Since when do laws need to be made to allow anything?

You should weep at the evil in your state

How many and for what reasons do late term abortions actually happen?

Just because a law allows late term abortion, does not mean late term abortions happen on a whim, without a medical reason.

who gives a ■■■■■ they can, and they do. 1 is too many

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Is there not valid reasons one would get a late term abortion?

did i say anything about that?

hmmm… no, i didn’t

Uh yes… yes you did

once again you just can’t be honest.

Did you not type “1 is too many”?

sure did, in answer to this

1 on a whim is too many. and laws don’t allow anything, they disallow things.

You have to remember prog mindset. They don’t think like you and I do. They aren’t liberals.

To them, if it is not expressly legal, it is illegal. They need permission from the state.

Bad link. The carharts have two clinics. One in Maryland, the other in Nebraska.

More disinformation.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
