Extraterrestrial aliens in congress

CERN. We know what’s causing it, just don’t know what it is. I think it’s our pea-brain interpretation of X-dimensional objects acting erratically on our plane from our perspective.

That or ■■■■ like that’s always been around, we just have a better ability to information share now.


The Electroweak is the unified Electromagnetic and Weak Forces. They only appear different at these temps, but their differences are superficial.

Electroweak, Strong Nuclear, Gravity - think of it as a Trinity… :wink:

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you know your “standard model” alright

< hats off >

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How far up does the border extend? :wink:

As Diet Smith from the old Dick Tracy comic strip said “he who controls gravity controls the world!”

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I don’t think I disagree with Richard Tracy’s statement, seeing as Gravity and Spacetime are the same exact thing. :wink:

Something that functions like them exist, we can measure the effects. And how is we had to make up 95% of the mass and energy to make our models work an endorsement for how smart we are and how much we know.

You don’t have to break it if you expand and contract space, you would be able to go faster then speed of light while technically not violating it in your local space.


It is only matter moving through space that has a speed limit. Spacetime itself can do whatever the hell it wants to. :+1:

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It’s called the theory of relativity for a reason


Let’s just hope we aren’t food animals. A civilization with relativistic travel speed could plop a few cows down on a planet, zoom off and come back in a month their time but a million years later for that planet and have a planet with billions of cows. Same applies to slaves. Or soldiers. Or willing workers provided the pay was too good to turn down. Which wouldn’t be difficult with relative primitives.

To understand the space expansion work around consider, the edges of our known universe aren’t the edges because that is where the universe ends, it is where space is expanding faster then the speed of light relative to us so that we cannot ever get any information from beyond that boundary. So we know for a fact that space can expand faster than the speed of light.

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Are you sure it’s not just the meter and we’re only capable of measuring so far?

Yes, we know pretty well what the expansion rate is and that it gets higher the farther way, math tells us the rest.

Simple proof, the observable universe is 46 billion light years in any direction, but the universe is only 13.8 billion years old. The universe is 10 to the 23rd power larger than what we can see. We will never be able to see farther then that 46 billion because the rest is moving away faster than the speed of light.

Ah, gotcha. So you’re saying it’s past the ice wall.

Caveat that doesn’t change much, some are saying the universe is twice as old now because time moved at a different rate during the early universe. Tired light hypothesis.

it’s akin to the luminiferous ether theory. scientists of late 19th century realized light existed as waves. waves need a medium. space has no apparent medium so they invented one out of whole cloth. wasnt until the michaelson morely experiment that proved otherwise.

contrived just like the ether

this is sci fi warp drive technobabble.

Our understanding of physics permits it.