Extraterrestrial aliens in congress

There may be a way around the conventional power requirements as well. The Lentz Soliton drive.

In any case, relativity most definitely says you can go faster then light speed if you can warp space.

i don’t think that it does. it’s purely imaginative.

Fully conforms to and falls within the possible according to the theory of relativity.

Remember, you don’t have to go very far into our history where the idea of quantum computing would have been laughed out of the room.

general relativity explains the warpage of space time but enormous amounts of gravity are required to do that and then the warpage is only gentle. not “local” and definitely not artificial, or manipulated to be propulsive

there are only so many elements on periodic table. no combination of them can do any of the fantastical things we can imagine

nothing produces the amount of (negative) energy required (bo such thing).

it’s fun to imagine but it’s just not realizable with what we know of physics and we know the bulk of it

Going to take issue again that we know the bulk of all physics given we can’t detect 95% of the universe.

we can. but our “cosmological constant” snd “hubble corrections” and what ever other fudge factors that go into trying to account for how we think things are expanding and moving in the universe are to some extent flawed

it’s pure theory and a bad one. theories of thing that can’t be detected or observed are bad theories.

they come up with this stuff to justify their work otherwise they would have no explanation. it’s bad science and a little disappointing actually

the models/framework has flaws. there are no exotic substances akin to what they fudged in to settle it.

Either way it proves we don’t remotely understand everything about physics. Whether fudge factor or genuinely can’t detect says the same thing, we don’t come close to knowing everything.

cameras are literally everywhere in everyone’s hand all the time now. and they are good cameras too

yet we still get nothing but ■■■■■■ grainy vids and pics

there’s a clue for you. it’s all bs

Umm no, your phone camera isn’t as good as you think it is, the objects fly, they are in the air and generally pretty distant, your zoom on an iphone is going to be grainy and poor at those distances.

we do actually. the big picture stuff is well understood. nuances to make better predictions lack the required observations. but the science is there.

95% of the universe, nuance he says.

and by this logic, it stands to reason that people are not seeing what they think the see, if they go so fast, and are so distant.

Try to keep up, government now admits to having them on multiple sensors and sat photo’s in addition to pilot observation.

they say it pervades 95% of the universe or whatever. yet, none around here. what a boring solar system

their models need work. there is no “dark” anything unless they are missing normal matter in their telescopes

Like I said, whether they made it up or we can’t detect it, both of those say we don’t know very much.

they admit to things they cant explain with always super ■■■■■■ video.

all this “we have alien biologics” is ridiculous

these people are goofy

there’s always room for improvements in science

but nothing suggests warp drive is possible

Except the theory of relativity. And the fact that parts of the universe are receding from us at greater speeds than the speed of light.

how does one measure 95% of infinity?