Explostive story on Beto O'Rourke held by reporter till after election

It seems you lack an understanding of what investigative journalism is or what it entails. Would that be a fair assumption based on these questions?

Good gravy man. The reporter has even shrugged off her NDA from Fox and is going to testify in front of Congress over this. You been out of pocket for the last week or so?

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Well whomever told you that was not very bright and certainly was not accurate. If I were you, I probably wouldn’t go around repeating what this other person told you, because it reflects badly on you now.

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It’s just bad luck Teddy killed someone, he was just doing what everyone does.

Serious laws? May have been? As opposed to non-serious and definitely were? :rofl:

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Well gosh, that didn’t say at all what you claimed it said. Imagine that. You claimed someone told you the majority of young people do what Ted Kennedy did. That’s not what was said at all. Why did you make that up?


You’re right I didn’t remember it correctly. So as long as Teddy did what many people he knows do, it’s just still bad luck.

I’m about to read this thread. Is it worth it or is it like net neutrality threads here?

I don’t agree with that either. But I’m not sure that is what @TheDoctorIsIn meant either. We can let him weigh in.

exactly. sounds like we need a good 2+ year investigation huh?

Investigate away. I’m fine with all Presidential candidates being thoroughly investigated and vetted for the most powerful office in the world. Aren’t you?

There’s some funny stuff but it ends with throwing the corpses of Mary Jo Kopechne and Ted Kennedy against the wall to see if they’ll stick.

Enjoy the journey. The destination should not be your goal.

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6 or 7 years, I’d think.

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Maybe some sort of…“select committee” could look into things? But only after 6-7 other investigations.

Exactly. I did a lot of stuff in college that I am not proud of. I used to think it was funny and now. Well I don’t talk about it now. as I am not at all proud of it. But it is what kids do. If Beto were a hacker now…then I would be worried about it. But come on. we all have stuff in our past that makes no difference now. I played football in high school, it doesn’t qualify me to be an expert on football now does it?
I certainly could not be the head coach of the Bears now could I?

It still is in Virginia.


It would be truly devastating to have a President who actually understands cybersecurity.

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We need to see his high school year book.


I’m guessing you got a lot of wedgies in high school didn’t you?