Existential Threat to our Democracy

Meh. Opinion piece from the NYT. We’re not supposed to care about that.

Fact - Trump thinks taking back his both siderism at Charlottesville was his biggest mistake.

Yeah, you’re a great American hero.

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so many to choose from

Thanks. I have saved a few American aircrews’ lives in my career.

But that’s beside the point.

Not all who stand with Trump haters are cowards. But many ran from Trump who otherwise would have supported Trump if the vitriol against his supporters not been so intense. They ran, afraid, insecure about their own intellect and morality, afraid of what people would think. They are the cowards.

the OP points out that Obama did what he said was a threat. Anybody going to say he did not?

Conditioned response:

They burp out the same debunked nonsense: “Benghazi!!!”, “57 states”, “You can keep your doctor”, “most divisive president ever”, and a few more.

Entirely predictable.

On the one hand, I’m glad Obama has re-emerged to speak truth to power.

On the other, it’s going to give Fox and Trump the target they’ve been waiting for to distract from the dangerous circus in the White House now.

TDS attacks upon the medial temporal lobe are especially insidious. Declarative memory becomes filled with implanted scenes of playful unicorns and ‘herbal’ lollipops. Eventually the memories of what was real are gone and all of our todays look like hellish episodes in contrast to the illusions.

But entirely true.

Here… you forgot one.


I’m guessing writers of pieces like these are longing for the days when they had to create some kind of drama out of the Obama administration over some real or perceived slight.

the issue raised was transparency.

Obama does not have TDS, he projects his vices on others.

From a guy who weaponized the IRS and justice department…

I agree. He does not have memory problems. He is like the Borg queen.

exactly exactly

resistance is futile

Yes, the “issue” as thick as a tissue.

What became of it?

I miss having a president that could use words. He had the best words.

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Obama, Oh Obama. Oh. Obama is the light that makes the plants grow. He puts the to in tofu. And the fu.

Before Ohbama there was only darkness. We were lost, like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness only real. Ohbama is the real Moses, not like some fairy tale.

When Ohbama left the White House, the Rose Garden became the Thorn Garden.