Exactly how can we genuinely vet the people coming across the border?

One of the things that I haven’t found much about is this particular question. Clearly the nearly one million gotaways along with the many more who come in undetected are not in any way vetted. There’s absolutely no way of knowing what if any criminal history they have. But what about the millions coming for asylum and being bused and flown all across the country? First, do all or even any of these people have valid ID’s? Second, do any of these ■■■■■■■■ countries actually have criminal databases for one? If they do how reliable are they?

Curious on what other’s know regarding this question?

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Ask Greg Abbott, surely he wouldn’t put criminals on buses to other states.

Why would it be his job? The feds already released them. That and we have been told for years that immigration is a Fed responsibility.


For one the Biden Administration has bused and flown substantially more than Abbott. Secondly, it’s the Biden Administration that has decided that it’s okay to have an open border.

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Here’s a question. How likely is it that a group of young men posing as asylum seekers, with criminal behavior in another country, could be bused by our government to American communities?

It’s the Biden administration that doesn’t give a crap about vetting them either.

Future dem voters they are thinking. :roll_eyes:

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Well you and the rest of Americans will find out as J’Biden’s illegal horde of invaders begin to be recruited into criminal gangs. Oh, they’ll get goobermint benefits and learn the freeloaders game but that won’t be enough. They’re already seeing criminals walk free after committing crimes.
Won’t be long.


I’d say he’s applying the Biden/Mayorkas precedent. If they would enforce our laws, this would never, ever have come up. Libs one zillion percent own this and it will go down in our history books that way forever.

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Border? Brandon didn’t vet the Afghanis he flew over here.


Cheer up, democrats appetite for illegal aliens is about to dry up as more hispanics vote republican. Five years and the parties will flip on the issue if current voting trends hold.


They couldn’t be criminals. Surely Biden wouldn’t allow criminals into the United States. That would have been caught in all the vetting.


Republicans should start welcoming incoming south americans, they easily recognize dem tactics, they have seen it before in the hell holes they come from.

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So you think he should keep the criminals the Democrats invited in Texas. Got it.


Crazy how people forget what just a handful of terrorists did on 9/11 but an open border is humanitarian.


I am sure the ones that didn’t have seats on the aircrafts were all vetted twice…


How about the Biden Administration?


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“Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture”

Multiculturalism ladies and gentlemen.


In what culture is it acceptable to assault three-year-old kids?

My friend Afghanistan all kinds of horrors await I invite you to watch the documentary with a barf bag.

The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan

Where little boys as young as five are paraded in front of full grown men, dressed up as women dance and then sold to the highest bidder as a sex slave many many of them die by their hands Tariq wasn’t lying.

The custom is called Bacha bazi and is practiced in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan. And young boys are killed and they are no investigation for them whatsoever.

All cultures are equal