How many countries are sending their criminals to the US border?

I’ve said this before, if I were a leader of another country it’s exactly what I would do. Open up my prisons, give them some money to pay the cartels, and send all my prison population to the US border. All these people need to do is simply make an Asylum claim and then they have every right to be allowed into the US (at least according to the Biden Administration):

Our open border policy that’s promoted by libs and their sanctuary cities own all of this mess.

Imagine, I voted for someone who wanted to build a wall and stop all of this. He really moved the needle too, got funding approved, the Border Patrol on board…all unitedly working to stop this and he did a great job. Then the forces that are motivating this illegal rampage, all unitedly worked against this and here “we” are with fentanyl killing our youth by the thousands and thousands.

Sounds scary. Must be an election coming up.

House Republicans are concerned. If Democrats retain control after the election, what they are concerned about is of little consequence.

Or a flood at our uncontrolled border. Seems to me I have heard concerns about this since Biden invited them all in.


“Uncontrolled border”, “invited them in”


Maybe we should do that.
Convicts should be allowed early release if they agree to to to another country.


Land contacts at southern border April 2020 = 17,106

Land contacts at Southern border April 2022 = 235,706


No other country than this one would be stupid enough to accept them.


Both true.

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Norway. I hear it’s nice.

By the way, Snoopy Dog claims Norway has zero tolerance for weed.

Do you have any data to back up your eye roll Jimmy?

From the link:

The letter notes that there have been over 130,000 encounters with Venezuelan migrants between Oct. 2021 and July 2022.

In August, there were 55,333 unique encounters from Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, a 175% increase over last year. Venezuelan migrants are harder to remove both due to lack of diplomatic relations with the country and also the related human rights concerns of returning migrants to authoritarian regimes.

“As a result of the Biden administration’s disastrous border policies, it is unknown how many of the violent Venezuelan prisoners have been released into the interior of the U.S., as identifying Venezuelans with criminal records is nearly impossible unless the individual admits their records to U.S. authorities,” the lawmakers say in the letter, obtained by Fox News Digital. “This will undoubtedly put our country in grave danger.”

I started another thread asking exactly how the heck can we genuinely vet the over a million people that the Biden Administration is happily letting into the country? No one provided an answer.

There’s been a record number of arrests and expulsions. That’s not “inviting them in”.

Well, when you go from contacting 17k to 235k in a month, there had better be increased returns.
Trump’s plan was to stop the flood from even reaching the US. Get Mexico to agree to stop serving as a conduit for these floods of migrants and you don’t have to depoert them.
It worked.

Now, do you have some numbers for your statement, and the source of this data?

BTW: “ICE ERO conducted 185k removals in fy 2020, a 30% decrease from fy 2019. This decrease resulted primarily from a sharp decline in CPB apprehensions at the Southwest border due to…” the sec 42 remain in Mexico policy.

As I said, you don’t let them in you don’t have to,deport them.

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We needs more illicit fentanyl, I hear it comes in rainbow colors now sounds like a Halloween hit :clap:

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