Ex-Navy SEAL Crenshaw (R-Texas) breaks with Trump on Navy SEAL case: Gallagher should face trial before any war crimes pardon

Yeah in Trump’s world those who shoot unarmed civilians have more honor than those who were captured. MAGA!!! :us:

They were just doing their jobs. He has said as much.

I spent 21 years in the military…our job does not include shooting unarmed people and other war crimes.


just so other military people know…

"According to prosecutors, a SEAL medic said he had just gotten the wounded prisoner stabilized when Gallagher walked up and stabbed the teen in the neck and body. They say he posed with the prisoner’s body and included it as a prop in his re-enlistment ceremony, bragging, “I got this one with my knife.”

Somebody ought to inform Mr. Trump………………

Even from a practical standpoint that decision makes no sense. That’s lost intelligence and possibly a bargaining chip for prisoner trade in the future.

Told all ye Trompophobes that this was more innuendo, rumor, and blatant propaganda.

No memorial Weekend pardons were issued.

Enjoy eating crow.



Sure was.

Looks rather abandoned now.


It was dangled in front of them…its in the report.

I’m just glad that Trump is going to allow the military jury to make the decision. He’ll probably end up pardoning him anyway but it needs to go through the process first.

There was a concerted effort in this thread to portray this as a done deal, perhaps just stopping before tying as much.

I called it as rumor and innuendo and that is what it was.

No pardons equals fake news.


There was never any chance of any other outcome.

Smear session is over, time to move on to the next fake headline.


Yeah, there is no way you could know that.

No way anyone knew anything. The speculative nonsense was over the top and the likelihood that Trump would pardon anyone with a questionable case was very small.

This type of extraordinary speculation will end up making Trump look reasonable and more successful for simply performing as expected as President.

Pelosi is the worst offender right now trying to project her own hysterical party at all costs philosophy onto President Trump who will never be beholden to party hacks.


You JUST said you knew.

As much as could be.

Speculative nonsense tried to put a wedge between Crenshaw and Trump…and just turned out to be fake news.

I used to cringe a little when Trump would include “fake news” in his presidential rhetoric.

Now it has become a necessary element to qualify media reporting.


Not really…just because you make something up doesnt make it a fact…

For the sake of focus and brevity…the only fabrication in this thread was the pardon(s) that never materialized over Memorial day to “boost” the Trump brand.


The pardons were ALWAYS dependent on Trump’s final decision. This fact has always been part of the story. You calling this “fake news” is lazy and wrong. Just because something didn’t happen doesn’t make it fake.

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Go back and re-read the early speculation.

There was never much of a chance that Trump was going to fast track a pardon for Memorial Day.

Did you see President Trump holding hands with Melania in Japan…Sweet was’t it?
