Evidence continues to come in that kids spread COVID

This is a little off-topic, and undeniably anecdotal.

I was in high school in Manhattan on September 11th, just a few blocks from the WTC. For months after the attacks, my high school building was used as a staging ground/rest center/food distribution center for rescue workers.

We the students were sent to a high school in Brooklyn, where my school and the host school split the day into shifts. They had class from 7am untill 11:30, and we had class from 12:30 to 5. Each class period was about 25 minutes.

None of us learned anything.


as long as need be. don’t even think for a second i’m going to feel bad for anyone that gets a years salary and only works 180 days.

if they go to alternating days, they can extend the school year to the whole year. the length of the day could be 9 to 6 instead of 9 to 2:30… whaaa

The pay don’t only work 180 days and get “a year’s salary”. This is a myth.

Also a tad ungrateful that people who are looking for the school system to be the lynchpin in “getting us back to normal” are also so disdainful of the people they are asking to go in at risk.


lol… not a myth.

Whatever boost the economy gets from reopening schools, it won’t cancel out the tragic personal stories that result from it. It doesn’t seem like good politics right before the election.

The sociopath in the white house thinks the economy will get him reelected. Being a sociopath, it’s all he cares about.


This pisses me off even more at China. The people of China need to unite and overthrow their government.

Yes it does when EVERYONE is actually doing it. Unfortunately, the arrogant, ignorant along with the anti-science qanon crowd are making things rather difficult.

Ok, but what do you think about whether schools should do full reopen given this new evidence that’s starting to be gathered?

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It would have to be substantiated and not have any political bias before I’d be on board but…at the same time…I don’t want anyone hurt.

It is being substantiated.

How much more do you need before deciding it’s not a good idea to put students and teachers at risk?


I know no one wants staff of the school to get sick or worse. The same goes for the students.

However, I could never get anyone to answer how many deaths would it take for them to want to shut down the schools.


I’ve had a couple of people say that anything less than the number of deaths from influenza last year would be an acceptable risk/reward. About 200 kids died from the flu last year. So I guess that is the magical number.


We’ll need a megathread to say their names. They’ll deserve it. Teachers and staff too.


I rather think it may be these crowds

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Well, you’re wrong.

“If I could go back and redo anything, it probably would have been to slow down the opening of bars, now seeing in the aftermath of how quickly the coronavirus spread in the bar setting,” Abbott said during an evening interview with KVIA in El Paso.

Abbott added that the “bar setting, in reality, just doesn’t work with a pandemic,” noting people “go to bars to get close and to drink and to socialize, and that’s the kind of thing that stokes the spread of the coronavirus.”

“At this time, it is clear that the rise in cases is largely driven by certain types of activities, including Texans congregating in bars," Abbott said Friday morning. “The actions in this executive order are essential to our mission to swiftly contain this virus and protect public health.”

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about China? try reading the thread.

GB, France, Germany, Italy and Spain have about 4% of the worlds population and 23% of COVID deaths. The leftist narrative fails on all points. Did you not see your leftist masters talking points get shredded by Dr Fauci et all the other day? b Every single leftist claim about the COVID response was refuted by actual evidence of what has been done and what is being done. the masters lie to you.

Those countries got hit hard in the beginning when treatment was still unknown. How are they doing now? How do they look compared to us?

They look like they are having little mini spikes in each area of the economy they attempt to open but that they do not have to deal with the Floyd spikes the left inflicted on us. Kind of like we were looking before the floyd spikes started. Kind of like NYC and other NE cities are now, since they were also hit hard and as a result had a somewhat a higher level of immunity once the protest started protecting them somewhat from the spikes.

Given that COVID antibodies are short lived, that immunity is about expired now, and increases in NE cities and in Europe will begin. Not the floyd spikes we’re getting (unless people get stupid again) but the natural type increases you’d expect to see from a virus.

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Floyd spikes. Lol.