Ever get the feeling that libs are not being totally honest? I do

Who said it was a bad thing? Is it bad cuz you say it is? The choice of voters is typically to vote for the least crappy of choices. We are dealing with politicians here not Sunday school teachers. At least Donald Trump gave us a great option this time! :sunglasses:

At least youā€™re honest about the fact that the only thing you care about is flinging more mud and never changing the horrible state our politics are in right now. As long as your side wins, you are happy, even when it means we all lose.

You know what isnā€™t really weak? When Yā€™all do EXACTLY as I predicted.

"Attacking the voter rather than the candidate"


The only thing I care about? Well not exactly. I care about my guns and religion too. How did you forget that? Are you losing it? Newsflash. As a conservative, my side does not win very often. We are typically lied to by republicans. The same ones who said they were for border security, against Obamacare and anti big government.

there are lib leaders, lib ā€œcommissarsā€, lib foot soldiers, and ā€¦ useful idiots that say they are not libs but - in the important matters - enable libs to push forward their agenda, employing their misdirected sense of fairness and naivete. ( kinda like giving the termites a fighting chance because they are small and becauseā€¦ God made 'em) They all are different. Some know the real leftist agenda. Some just do as they are told, not believing their leaders could possibly be so evil.

All members of the hive.

Ever get the feeling the spawning of stupid monologues by various posters on this board is never going to end?


Ever get the feeling that the spawning of stupid, unfounded accusations of racism by various liberal posters on this board is never going to end?

Want it to stop? You first.

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Iā€™m simply calling out your whine-fest ā€œIā€™m allowed to broadbrush libs and tell them what they think, but Iā€™m going to throw a tantrum when they do it to my sideā€ attitude.

I criticize Hillary for her ā€œdeplorable commentā€ and have since she said it. And you defend and voted for a guy who does exactly what youā€™re sitting here trying to criticize me doing.

And yet you keep putting those people in office. And thatā€™s what makes you an unprincipled partisan. You whine about libs, claim you whine about 'pubs, yet you keep voting for 'pubs and supporting pubs.

The jig is up.

Yes, I do.

Wrrroooong! Whiff!!!

I NEVER EVER defended the nasty things that Trump has said. Not one time. It is my least favorite thing about him. But I have noticed that those comments have gotten a little more measured.

I support him because I simply love his policies. He is exactly what this country needs.

Good reply. Not defensive. Well done.

Thatā€™s a long list:

Pro-progressive tax rates
For some gun restrictions but not outright banning
For single payer health care or something close to it
Advocate of science like global warming, evolution
For minimum wage laws
For social security
For Medicare

I can go on if you like.

Im not the one who supports a stormfront favorite for president. Gonna pull a BAC?

Definition of a troll thread:

Any thread that a liberal disagrees with. And like everything. Only liberals are qualified to determine what is a troll thread and what is not. My proof? I have never accused any thread of being a ā€œtroll thread.ā€ I donā€™t have to. I can whip em without it. And not break a sweat doing it.


Dear Leader thanks you for your fealty!

You have it wrong. They arenā€™t trying to hide it anymore.

Fair point. They used to try. But they have totally lost all the discipline that they used to have. Itā€™s hard to put on a fake show and be hysterical at the same time.

What Jig? We have basically two options Awful or hideously awful. You are saying I should vote for the worst of two evils? Iā€™m not sure how that would help.

Where did I insinuate that? Youā€™re not reading very carefully.