Ever get the feeling that libs are not being totally honest? I do

My bad. Your main point was a rude and totally unprovoked personal insult.

I love how they interject word and phrases now like “family internment camps” .

I like it because it just gets other libs spun up and furious. No one else takes them seriously. But to libs, it is not just a dog whistle. It is an alter call from the lord of darkness himself.

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too late. I already drank the chocolate milk.

but you can still post.

Omg did you forget the premise of your own OP?

Most folks left and right have no nefarious agenda, they just have differing viewpoints on how to solve problems, and what the problems are. We need both. Having that balance is what made this country awesome.

It’s the entertainers filling your ears with outrage and divisive rhetoric so they can fill their pockets with advertising money that are the ■■■■■■■ problem.


Speaking of capitalism from this liberal.

I love it.

Brother made a ■■■■■■■■ of money.

My 401k and stash accounts are doing well.

And I have worked 31 years for the man…

Regulated capitalism is doing swell by this liberal.

No deposit required.


This cannot be emphasized enough.

Real estate.

Personally, I’d like to have enough money for myself and my wife to retire now. I’m not even 50 yet. She’s not even 40 yet.

Ever get the feeling the original poster never took a course in logic and reason? I do.

Unfounded assumptions. Check
Non sequiturs galore. Check
Ad hominem? You betcha

That’s why I rarely engage said poster. Doing nothing is 1000 times better than having to endure such wearingly bad arguments.

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I’m starting to thin the OP might be onto something with this libs not being honest thing.

I sometimes feel like Diogenes wandering the boards looking for one honest liberal.

The search goes on.

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Thats like a search for a truthful Trump cultist.

Hard to come by these days.

Maybe one day. Maybe,


Huh? I referred to you as an unprincipled partisan. That’s not a rude or unprovoked personal insult. It’s a description you embrace wholeheartedly. Your own words prove it. You don’t stand by your principles, and keep helping me people in office because of the letter after their last name. I can’t think of a better description of your self-admitted behavior.

Don’t be such a snowflake. If you’re pissy about being called an unprincipled partisan, you must be REALLY upset at things Trump says and definitely disavow him wholly, right?

You are not exactly correct. My thoughts and opinions are mine. They have nothing to do with any entertainer. Which explains exactly why I am free to despise both parties and I do.

:rofl: plus 10.

ahhh… nonsense. Posters right here accuse the right of wanting to recreate the horrors of the holocaust and slavery.

That’s a great post. Plus 8. You lost two for mentioning Nazis.

worst kind of lies too.
lies about people.