Even Foxnews.com is calling out Trump's lies

Moment of rare agreement.

I watched the interview.

Trump 100% was talking about the behavior not the person.

He didn’t even bring it up…the reporter did.

And Trump probably wouldn’t have said more than a couple words on it except the reporter kept at it.

It…is…a…non… story.


Do you still trust all the fake news that pushed the Russian collusion lie?

AP is not credible because of that lie they pushed!!

Anything to distract from the Democrats spygate problem.

There is no “spygate problem”.

But keep the faith your masters want you to have…you’ll get them this time!

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That’s not what Admiral Roger’s thought when he shut down Obama’s four spy contractors.

Thank god for infowars and breibart then.

Do you not trust your own ears?

Yeah the super patriotic mueller team found all kinds of collusion and just decided not to prosecute any of it.


I know, right? Haha

Thanks for clarifying. It can be hard to recognize Trump’s Christian virtues but if I forget every passage in the New Testament I might get there.

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Why are posting this in a thread about an editorial change at Fox?

If I didn’t think it offensive to invent psychopathologies to end political discussion I would call this Mueller Derangement Syndrome.

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Speaking of “hoax fairytale conspiracy theory…”

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Thank God the fake news is obvious now a days!:rofl:

I know bull when I see it, take Hillary for example. She used a private server as Secretary of State knowing it was wrong, everyone that defended her is is full of it and untrustworthy to defend such an idot.

That would be the Russian collusion pushed by all the fake news, we know Obama spied thanks to Admiral Roger’s!

So why hasnt Trump DOJ pursued a criminal conviction?

The Deep State is deep. Not even Donald escapes its pernicious undertow.

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I think even most people who are making a deal of this know that he was referring to her nasty remarks about him.
It was not in the context of saying someone were “nasty” in the sense of being smelly or something. That is just straining to try to make something out of nothing.

Ha very true.

So you think Fox pointing out that Trump’s denial was a lie was “fake news” or what???

The issue isn’t Megan Markle, or what Trump said… the thread was about a sea change at Fox, that no one seems to be willing to acknowledge.

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