Even Foxnews.com is calling out Trump's lies

What, pray tell, does Hillary Clinton’s email server have to do with a thread about Fox News editorial policy?

What has Hillary got to do with the OP?

Not commenting on the Markle comment itself. What I will say is, I would not consider one instance of critical reporting on Fox’s part evidence of a “sea change.” Fox knows better than to alienate its primary viewer demographic.

You are right. A “sea-change” is an exaggeration. But when one notices a very small crack in a dam it is worth considering whether the dam is at an early stage of breaking. Fox has put up a solid wall around Trump’s lying… Not today though

Wait you think trump means someone is smelly when he calls them nasty?[quote=“DougBH, post:58, topic:191350, full:true”]
I think even most people who are making a deal of this know that he was referring to her nasty remarks about him.
It was not in the context of saying someone were “nasty” in the sense of being smelly or something. That is just straining to try to make something out of nothing.

If you get an answer, it still won’t be on topic.:slight_smile:

They have been investigating for over a year.

Why only a year? Trump was inaugurated over two years ago.

Could you provide a link to this investigation that has been ongoing for over a year?

She’s an example of the fake news, she could of murdered Seth Rich and the fake news would defend her.

Is Your finger broke? This is common knowledge, look up Horowitz and Huber check out Judicial Watch because they’ve been putting Deepstate through the ringer.

Just a little, huh.

Why is it that when you’re asked for links you almost never produce any. One would think you’re making statements you know you can’t prove.

Fake views.

The British seem to care.

Since this wasn’t really even a lie, and a nothing story, it was a safe thing for FoxNews to do.

And by you guys continuing to make a big deal of it, you play right into their hands.

It’s not necessary to hate absolutely everything Trump.

I don’t know why some of you keep falling into the trap of thinking you have to jump on absolutely everything.

This is tan suit stuff, guys …it really is.

Let it go.

You just don’t get it. I wasn’t posting about Trump’s lie (which was a lie by the way, the tape proves it) but about Fox’s calling out the lie… an issue which no one chose to engage with.

(We got a whole lot of Hillary-crime posts for some reason.)

But really you need to lecture me about the triviality of Trump’s name calling??? Did you read the OP or just decide to ignore the reason for the thread.

No I put this same lecture in both threads.

If you think Fox’ reaction to this utter non-story is indicative of anything you’ve got a serious deficit in reading political trends.

Good grief - what’s this “could of” blasphemy? You mean of COURSE she did.


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Insult duly noted. Usually what happens when a respondents arguments fail. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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If Obama came out and said he wasn’t even wearing a suit that day, yes.

The history of Fox says otherwise. When Fox calls out Trump, it’s news.