ESG Scores is the New Social Credit Score for the USA

These book bannings make no sense to me at least the Nazi’s while wrong had a theme these seem random.

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It’s not so random, there is a theme…

Wow. You truly don’t understand what is happening here?

That book store is selling books that have been banned in school libraries around the country. The “meme” is they can try to ban books, but you can still get them here.

Please note: some of the titles on the table are hard to make out, but others you can see. The link below shows these and other banned titles from that year.

Finally, since you seem upset about book banning, it may interest you to know that it is currently folks on your side of the aisle doing the banning.

the irony of banning Fahrenheit 451 is flaming hot…

Yes the theme is conservatives find them offensive, and are pushing to have them taken out of libraries where kids have access to them.

Do you agree with the basic premise that some books/themes are inappropriate for some age groups?


How does this ESG score affect the average person directly? Or is it just indirectly?


it’s called “Paying the devil his dues”

America was created to stop this, but lunatics and demon minions keep feeding the evil.

Demon minions. Is that literal or figurative?

It’s the shareholders making changes.

They are allowed.


How was it created to stop this? Bonus points if you can include a time traveling Founding Father.

Created by the Supreme Law inherent in reality, not the ravings of madmen destined for the animal kingdoms for infinite kalpas,

How would it stop this? ESG was created by non-government enterprises… is this not the free market deciding for itself?

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We should really just judge companies on their profits. If they are making tons of money, they obviously know what they are doing.

Oh wait…that is what we have been doing since the 80’s.

The result is more billionaires are created, and the working class needs to work 2 jobs to barely live… And god forbid one gets sick. Even with insurance, that can wipe out a family.

Oh, and the planet is getting trashed. Literally.


So I can put tou down as supporting a personal social credit score.

Got it

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So, I can put you down for unfettered capitalism, where corporations are welcome to make as much as they can, no matter how it affects humans, wildlife, and the planet. Also, they should continue to own our legislative process, so they can continue to pass laws that benefit them, and their executives.

Got it.

So let me ask you a simple question, do you vote for what you believe in with your spending of your hard earned dollars? Do you buy anything from Amazon? If so, you helped create a billionaire that you appear to have disdain for. Do you check labels and attempt to not buy products made in China? If not, you are helping trash the planet…literally.



You do not get it.
Billionaires are not the problem. The rules of commerce and taxation is the problem.

Billionaires that have corrupted the system, are certainly part of the problem…but again, it goes back to the system.

As a business man, do you not take advantage of every deduction and cost saving opportunity there is available? Of course you do. As does any good business person.

You use Amazon everyday…if you are on the internet. (AWS)

Enforce the Sherman act. Raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations. That will put the brakes on these companies and their leaders and the greed that dominates our economy.

But most cons and pubs detest and fight taxes and regulations. And then complain when the rules produce the same results over and over…40+ years and counting.