ESG Scores is the New Social Credit Score for the USA

No it won’t. It never has.



The corporate tax rate was above 40% for for 35 years. Above 50% for 15 of those years.

Did that stifle growth?

We had a top tax bracket above 70% for 30ish years and above 90% for some of those years…

Did that make people leave the US? Stifle personal wealth?

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They ARE NOT mutually exclusive.

Yes, & yes.

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Provide the data, please.

If a conservative sends donations to a conservative cause, or spends money on guns, ammo, or other things the left doesn’t like, they will have their credit score lowered, or have their bank account closed, or not be allowed to open one.

No control freaking there, huh?

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How will “they” do this?


It’s for parents to decide what their kids can handle.

Are you saying you have an inherent right to other people’s money?

Be sure to let us know if that ever happens.

Evidence of these claims?

Indeed…from 1950-1979, living in America was an economic nightmare…high unemployment, low wages, no room to grow…

That’s just ridiculous.


I get it just fine that I exposed your hyprocrisy.


Did it put the brakes on greed?

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In a school library? How do the parents decide what goes in a school library?

'79-'81 or so wasn’t peachy.

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The libraries should be filled with what this kid’s reading.


:rofl: Kid has potential.


Nobody paid those rates, the effective tax rate is pretty much the same today as it was then, they had more deductions back then.

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