Equality, Equity and Value Added-"Palestinians"

Do you think the russians chose Putin?

To a certain extent yes. And like Hamas to the Gazans Putin remains quite popular in Russia despite his obvious crimes against both the Russian people and the Russian state. As well as his crimes against non-Russians.

This is a good topic and these things deserve consideration.

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I think they might surprise you.


Wrong again.

The Core.

If Israel governs it when they’re done, it won’t be Palestinian. It will be Israel.

He didn’t say anything about science.

Is Iceland killing babies?


The Core

I offer that is a combination of the two.

Well said.

On what basis?


Is it?

That was never an argument to begin with.

Never happen
Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank strongly support Hamas, October 7 attack - The Jerusalem Post.

You’re missing the point. Those people won’t be there anymore.

Where will they be?

Dead or moved.

What impact will globalization have on these questions?

To where, America?
Arab countries don’t want them.
Look what being compassionate got Denmark

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