Equality, Equity and Value Added-"Palestinians"

Sadly, no, humans easily assess worthlessness in others far to easily.

What happens when someone determines our society isn’t worthy of existence?

You’re unnecessarily hysterical.

So…Russia? China? Iran?

I don’t that word means what you think it means.

It’s not about Palestinians’ lack of contributions to the civilized world, it’s that Palestinians have actively and repeatedly harmed the civilized world. Their government is literally a terrorist organization.


All goat ■■■■■■■ by my count.

You’re going into hyperbole. I don’t have any bombs. You’re hysterical.

I don’t think government = totality of the society.

If I am reading the OP correctly, he is asking for we should care if all of Palestinian society is obliterated.

Not if Hamas is.

Like Doug said:

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Are we discussing government, societies, or a hybrid of both?

But not by their count.

And they are not all headless.

So they have a say?

I think that’s a problem with the OP.

Or maybe it’s not…

Should we mourn Hamas’s demise? I can’t imagine anyone answering yes. ■■■■ them.

Should we mourn the destrution of all of palistinian society?

I agree with doug on that -

Oh you don’t? My fault. I thought you had bombs.

I think you are knee jerking to ethnic cleansing. So when does a society’s governing authority make itself worthy of abolishment by force? And what part does the society governed by that authority play in relation to that condition being determined?


remove as in kill or remove as in relocate.


i would be against genocide as should every thinking human being.

relocation would be problematic.

the major question would be where?


They chose Hamas. They chose literal Genocidaires. And Genocidaires are by far the most vile and worthless people on the planet.

The term was coined during the aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide to describe the mass of Hutu power players and the culture at large that saw the extermination of the Tutsis as an admirable goal. “Those who call for and support genocide” is what a Genocidaire is.

The Palestinians willingly chose to support Genocidaires back in 2006.

That says a lot about a culture. And that mindset doesn’t change overnight or even in a decade.


It takes at least 4-5 generations to even begin to change a society. It is almost impossible to change the adults present at the beginning.


Sure. But they won’t have hegemony and they’ll be diluted.


So we take all the problem people of the world that others want to ditch. That exactly what Biden is doing and no.
The idea is that it’s ok for Israel to ethnically cleanse Palestine and we help them by taking who they can’t live with.
That’s wrong on every level.
That’s on the level of Central America dumping their prisoners here.
And this is exactly what we condemned the worst of Serbia over.

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These are good questions.

And adding to this conversation I just heard a poll of Gazans was just taken and 70 some percent support hamas and I think a similar amount condone the attacks.

Heard on radio so might have something off.

But if we can trust that poll that is disturbing and weakens the argument that hamas isn’t Palestine.