Equality, Equity and Value Added-"Palestinians"

To be determined. You’re lower looping.

It makes perfect sense.

Germany and Japan regained their rightful Society/Culture/Borders without imposing hardship and threat to peace to their neighbors.

Palestine on the other hand made wrong choices by letting a murderous terrorist mob take charge so they are paying a price now.

Unless someone like Israel frees them from Hamas they will never be free.
They are paying a huge price for freedom and it has to be done no matter how horid it may appear.
I believe by the time the whole thing is done there will be in excess of 20 000 killed ALL due to Hamas using them as shields.

Truth can be very ugly.

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it occurs to me, Hamas took up the OP themselves.

They considered Israeli society and culture, determined it has no value, and have committed themselves to wiping it out.

Hamas and “Palestine” are gap, not core.

I don’t know what that means.

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Then why are you here?

I think we can all agree that “Palestinian” and Israeli cultures are completely incompatible. And given that there are friction margins in several places, the Core has to make a choice.

Between the two cultures, which offers value to The Core?

No, rich countries don’t get to kill or displace poor people who get in their way.
And where to put these poor people when you steal their land is not something you can decide later.

Again with the fee fees. Hamas attacked Israel. Not the other way around.

It’s not “Israel getting its way.” It’s Israel protecting its citizens from savages.


If a gap state/culture wants to be savages inside its own borders, that’s one thing. When they become a problem for the Core, it’s another thing.

Does the Core owe the gap anything, including survival.

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They can defend and wage war. They cannot exterminate, and certainly not with our assistance…or to serve as a dumping ground for them.

■■■■ this core gap ■■■■■

Perpetual war. A little “proportional” war every single time the savages decide to lash out.

At the cost of advancing the Core. At the cost of lives.

That’s insane.

You can call it what you want, it’s a fact. Civilized/savage works too.

Point taken. But facts are still important.

Are they? What “facts”?

your using concepts you learned from a wiki to defend mass extermination, pretending to be edgy and brave, but really just advocating savagery.

I didn’t learn them from wiki. I used wiki to help you, trying to use a dumbed-down summary you could understand… I own the book (among other sources about the grand strategy). And I’ve studied them.

Get out of your fee fees, it’s in the op. And “edgy” still doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Do “civilized” parts of the world owe survival to savages. If so, why?

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