Epic takedown of complicit media who ignored a recent Antifa attack in Portland

Seriously? The KKK are up in Victoria. Doesn’t mean they’re lynching people there. Just because there are white supremacists in Portland doesn’t make it a haven for racist ■■■■■■■■ either. It’s almost like there’s people of all different stripes around here or something. Who knew right? :roll_eyes:

I don’t feel the need to wear a badge or defend anything and I actually live here. Seems weird you feel the need to defend it though and are on the opposite coast.

[quote=“STODR, post:61, topic:239955, full:true”]

Yeah. He needs to simma down a bit.

That’s funny coming from you.

OMG!!! Lynchings, Jim Crow and oppression must surely follow. Pointy hats everywhere. If you would be so kind, please give me the name of the next person who is oppressed by the KKK. Would you please?


Don’t you have another trainwreck thread you should be posting in?

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You first. Mean time.

If you would be so kind, please give me the name of the next person who is oppressed by the KKK. Would you please?

You need a new schtick. That lame ass tactic is so boring.

As long as we’re exchanging advice, here’s mine. You need to be less hostile. As the great Don Henley once said: "You keep carrying that anger, it’ll eat you up inside. Have a great day, I’m off to the Gym. :muscle:

For a little humor, when I see that word…reminds me of this bit.

(Language warning)

I think you may like the video I posted. My wife also works with special needs kids.

Good for her! It’s a tough, underappreciated job. Not everyone is up for it.

Don’t ask him what he thinks of the word retard, ask the parents of your wife’s kids.

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Okay so why you in your feelings over Orlando? Telling me I don’t know it when I visit there a few times a year.

Remember this the next time he’s whingeing about cancel culture.

No. You know me better. I don’t go back to past posts in order to play gotcha. I won’t do it to you either. I’m not “remembering” this so I can use it again. Why would I?

Lol at all of western Oregon being liberal.

Also, Portland has a terrible past that white supremicists think of fondly.

Lol you literally said he needed to be canceled. Hypocrite.

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Portland seems to be full of those black clad thugs/facists known as ANTIFA.

We see videos of their nonsense/violence all the time on the tube and the internet. Amazing how libs turn a blind eye/or give a wink and a nod to that all the time.

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Past? It wasn’t that long ago we had a white supremacist as chief of police. More recently people in the department were coordinating with hate groups like Patriot Prayer.


This is funny coming from people who had no clue there was a group based in Portland made up of locals. For over a decade no less.

Why do these “antifi “ types always showing up clad in matching black tactical gear?