Epic takedown of complicit media who ignored a recent Antifa attack in Portland

Yea they’re not as cool ad these guys…

Who are “these guys”?

Antifa plants…

Oooo I see what you did there.

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Because it makes them harder to identify.

Was this a serious question?

Progressives think they know what’s best for black people. Which is why black people overwhelmingly backed not getting rid of the police compared to white progressives in Minnesota something like 20% difference.

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Let’s hope it don’t get to the point they square off to each other some of these people in this particular picture is ex military.

I disagree…They’re wanna be exmilitary .

Funny you didn’t find a picture of them burning looting, blocking roads or just randomly beating up people.

But I understand your fear they have scary black guns.

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Thats where you’re wrong. .I laugh at them, and all the other “Tacticool” toolbags. And in a way feel a bit sorry for them.

Sure you do. That puddle your standing in isn’t rain.


Lol…You don’t me. What makes me afraid of guns that I have carried and fired numerous times?

Some that look like that (minus the guns) did try to overturn an election.

I mean peacefully demonstrated government over reach.

Woe numerous times, :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: psst VR games don’t count.

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Does military count in your book?

Lol no, I know lots of people scared of guns in Military. They shot “numerous” times because they were ordered too.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:…sure you do.

Anyone actually in the military knows people who are afraid of guns. You not thinking so shows your were probably never in.

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I was…were you? No one I served with was, or admitted it anyway

30 years