Elitist Snobs in Centgov

Yeah an I tried warning them about Patriot Act.

And yes I remember what they were saying. That was back when I was “good” conservative on this forum.

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Oh, please go on! Tell us what the average republican politician is doing for laborers that unions don’t. Tell us about all the problems they create.

I mean, what is the modern day GOP doing for laborers, and how is that better than what unions do.

I’m certainly not saying unions are perfect, and yeah, there are abuses, but there are also abuses from employers and no one seems to TRULY want to fight for the little guy when that happens. Republicans sure as hell aren’t doing it. They just want more inexpensive labor.

Oh, so you had to vote for the authoritarian so the real conservative can win later?

Who would that be exactly?

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So Trump isn’t a true conservative?

No, Trump certainly isn’t doing that. What Trump is doing is delegitimizing conservativism and republicanism to the common man. He’s showing that all republicans and conservatives care about is winning, not making America great for everyone. All he’s showing is that the only thing conservatives and republicans care about is getting revenge and sticking it to other people. You’re living proof of that.

Not really…reread it again.

In denial. :wink:

Yes really. You got slapped down and owned by Gravity, hard, lib. Why do you support a fake conservative in the WH, lib? Eat your peas, lib. You got pwned, lib.

I think their are reason why they can’t say they’re are political bias.

I think it might open themselves up for every case they worked on for review.

But don’t quote me on that.

Trump is very gifted at a few things. One is playing on people’s emotions and warping them to his purposes. He doesn’t use logic or facts. He uses emotion, desires and insecurities, especially insecurities, to get what he wants. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes I think his emotional IQ is extremely high. It depends a lot on the audience (working class whites for example especially), but he can generate this undeniable bond between them.

The next Republican candidate is NOT going to have this same talent, I can almost guarantee it.

Coincidentally, I think it might give him an advantage in negotiations with North Korea, should he ever have any substantive part in this. Kim hasn’t typically responded to logic and facts. Maybe he’s susceptible to a more emotional arguments. The propaganda video, although terrible to people like you and me, is a smart idea. Seems exactly the sort of thing you do if you’re using this approach.


No that is you. You were totally behind the IG report right up until the moment it didn’t say what you wanted it to say.

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That and I agree with Rurudyne that Trump is promising to make Kim even more wealthy than he is now AND open markets up to him to which he previously didn’t have access so he has an outlet for his vast wealth.

He crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s just like I hoped he would and provided the evidence to thwart his conclusion.

How do you live being so angry and bitter ALL the time?

Not trying to be insulting…but seriously…I NEVER see a post from you that’s not angry.

You can’t be this angry ALL the time, can you? I wouldn’t think it would be possible.

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Only in the minds of hardcore partisans

….and discernment is not your strength.:sunglasses:

Tone-deaf much? Complains about snobbery by telling everybody how worthless liberals are

Logic is not your strength.

Apparently it’s not yours, either. You just gobble up the things you agree with, dismiss things you disagree with, and never hold to your word.

That’s not discernment. That’s fealty.


You’ve just described the traits of a successful con man, which is essentially what Trump has been his entire adult life.

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This 100%, Obama was labeled “dictator in chief” conservatives want less government not more. Trump comes in and further expands the power of the executive and “conservatives” cheer? Poison pill, imagine a dem coming in with these newly expanded powers.