Electric Cars are coming- no need to drill in Alaska

Yeah but an EV can power your house in an outage. EV will win win when they get better batteries, not capacity, that is already done, no rare earths that require strip mining and little kids getting the cobalt. Those batteries are close though. But then you have grid and charger problems, public chargers blow, only tesla has decent chargers that work.

I don’t own an Explorer. Of course you picked a gas guzzler for comparison.

A Tesla is just a glorified expensive commuter car.

No way would i pay the up front price for a range limited commuter car.

Being retired i’m not commuting to work and am more apt to go on trips than to commute anywhere.

My range is unlimited really with a gas vehicle. Drive 350 miles and take 5 minutes to refuel. From Tn to California if i so desired.

Easy Peasy.

Gas vehicles will be here indefinately. They aren’t going away just because greenies desire them to.


Tesla beats a new 2 liter Civic and 2.5 Camry too.

There really shouldn’t be that much angst about the example vehicle. You’re supposed to use the formula and plug in your own car.

I wouldn’t buy an EV for any price much less the high priced Tesla.

Doesn’t fit my needs or my budget.

If I spend tesla money it will be a down payment on another house not a car…of any kind really.

I’m converting my grand caravan into a hybrid. :rofl:

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I have 1 daughter and 1 son in law with Hybrid’s.

If I was going to go that route i would go hybrid not EV.

I like my comfortable full size low mileage Buick myself. Unlimited range there. :grinning:

The wife has an Infinniti which is less comfortable but I don’t ride in it much.

Oh, I meant hybrid as in half gas-powered minivan, half solar-powered RV camper. Pics to come this spring. :sunglasses:

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Oh ok. Different kind of hybrid. Sounds interesting though.

Electric Cars are coming- no need to drill in Alaska


Somebody forget to tell Brandon.

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Off topic maybe but I wonder if Stanley Meyer was truly onto something with his claims of a water fuel cell or just another fraudster.

The curious part of me likes to think the claims were true and he was a victim of a conspiracy but alas my logical side takes over and I know it would be impossible in this day and age to suppress this tech it if were true


Protect yabrandon

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What are you on about?

Trump was right.

Lies. Disappointment. Bactine.

It’s true. Gasoline also serves as a heat extractor for the electric fuel pump.

People who run their cars near empty constantly are greatly reducing the life span of their in tank electric pumps.

My Civic Si has two fuel pumps. An in tank electric pump and a gasoline injection pump driven directly off one of the camshafts. Similar to a diesel. Just at much lower pressures.

Diesel injection pumps (on modern engines anyway) use oil pressure and direct shaft drive to operate. With a DI gas engine you can just use direct shaft drive since the pressures are orders of magnitude lower.

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Climate creeps want to depopulate moose.

These folks are ■■■■■■■ nuts

I say drill baby drill. Buy gas cars. Drill in Alaska, and leave the ■■■■■■■ moose alone.

Let’s Go Brandon


Kill moose and squirrel!!!


Only what you can eat… like any hunting enthusiasts practice.

Of course this is all show. He’s already taking away other things to “compensate the planet” for Willow.

Watch what happens next.

He announced closure of 13 million acres (compared to 500 acres proposed to be developed at the Willow site) of the NPR-A and has banned exploration offshore in the Beaufort Sea with his partial approval of the Willow project. But he has promised more restrictions to come. Alaska’s Congressional Delegation is pressing for answers …

And of course, the Environmental groups have promised to sue to overturn the Willow approval.

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